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Wheel of Time News

An Hour With Harriet

2012-04-30: I had the great pleasure of speaking with Harriet McDougal Rigney about her life. She's an amazing talent and person and it will take you less than an hour to agree.

The Bell Tolls

2012-04-24: Some thoughts I had during JordanCon4 and the upcoming conclusion of "The Wheel of Time."

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Your search for the tag 'names' yielded 48 results

  • 1

    Interview: 2010

    blindillusion (8 November 2010)

    Is there going to be any chance of fans getting their names in A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Yes, there will be. Next spring, hopefully, another charity gig.


  • 2

    Interview: 2012


    For a complete catalog of Brandon's tweets, visit the Twitter Portal at Brandon's website.

    Brandon Sanderson (12 March 2011)

    And lo, 1% of A Memory of Light done, as per my website progress bar. My reading's been slow this last month, but I made up for it by working on a scene.


    Here! A (kind of) screenshot of the beginning of the end of the Wheel of Time.


    For those asking: Yes, I write in courier. I apprenticed as a writer during an era where it was still the standard among the old guard.


    I also underline instead of italicize, use "--" instead of an emdash, and have habits relating to other old-school typesetting artifacts.


    Will you hold a new charity contest for A Memory of Light, but this time for Trolloc/Dreadlord/Darkfriend names? We think you should.


    I WILL hold a new contest like that. Likely to help fund Jordancon.


    People are asking about the files in the picture I posted on Saturday. The one that says "Alan Outline NEW" references Alan, RJ's assistant.


    Alan is a member of "Team Jordan" and was the one who compiled the original outline for A Memory of Light using all of the files and scenes RJ had.


    I have taken it and changed things around a lot, added to it, and it has evolved over the years. But it is the Memory of Light outline.


  • 3

    Interview: Dec 12th, 2000

    CNN Chat (Verbatim)


    Where do you come up with the original spelling of the names of the characters?

    Robert Jordan

    Some of them come out of myths and legends. And others come because the sound is somewhat familiar, or because I like the sound of the name.


  • 4

    Interview: Apr 4th, 2001


    A question about how Jordan came up with his names.

    Robert Jordan

    Nynaeve is the name of the nymph who in some versions of the Arthur Legend, imprisoned Merlin. Amyrlin is of course a play on Merlin, as is Thom Merrilin, a play on Merlin, and Rand al'Thor is a play on Arthur, as well as on Thor, but then so is Arthur Hawkwing a play on Arthur, because as I said before it's not a retelling of the myths... As things are done by in the myth, in the legend, if things were done by one man, were actually in both done by several perhaps and had become inflated in time.

    But the names come from everywhere. I read the ... in the New York Times, or the London Times, or something mis-seen on the street, I see, I catch a sign from the corner of my eye, and I misread a word on the sign because I only see it out of the corner of my eyes. And I jot it down, because it sounded like a good name.


  • 5

    Interview: Sep 3rd, 2005


    Have any of the members of your fandom affected your writing? For example have any of the latter minor characters been reflections or poked fun of anything you have read?

    Robert Jordan

    No, no, I don't believe in poking fun at my fans. (Tells a short story about using a name or two from individuals he has met. He mentions a couple of Aes Sedai names, missing Aes Sedai, from names of some fans who sent a letter to him without a return address.)


  • 6

    Interview: Jul 14th, 2006

    Robert Jordan

    For Deadsy again, who suggests that I have an e-Bay auction for something to put in one of my books, a curse word or the like, I already put up naming rights in an auction for a British organization that works with victims of torture. The woman who won asked that a character be named after her husband. Thus, after some checking back and forth, Charles Guybon Hudson became Charlz Guybon in Knife of Dreams. The description used in the book is based on the description of the real man. I think NaClH2O already pointed this all out, though. And DomA, I think.


  • 7

    Interview: Jan 13th, 2009

    Brandon Sanderson

    It has become a tradition for me to auction off naming rights to one of the characters in each of my novels. In the past, I've done this locally, with a church group. People would 'bid' cans of food that they would donate to the local food bank, and the winner got to name a character in one of my books. The first appearance was Lord Penrod, named for a woman who's last name was—not surprisingly—Penrod. Lord Yomen in The Hero of Ages changed the tradition slightly in that I started describing the character to look like the person who won the auction. Warbreaker's Llarimar is another of these winners.

    When I started working on the Wheel of Time novel, it was my assumption that I would forego the tradition for this particular book. I wasn't planning on doing anything. But then the awesome Pat Rothfuss (by the way, Pat, I'm going to answer your email soon. Sorry—I got distracted. Bad Brandon!) started up a charity drive this Christmas. This was a particularly bad year for charities, as a lot of people were tightening their belts and cutting their spending. I read several articles talking about how difficult a year it was going to be for a lot of people in underdeveloped areas of the world, where the economy doesn't just mean fewer trips to the movies—it means children starve because there isn't enough food to be had.

    At that moment, I realized that we had something very special in the Wheel of Time book—an opportunity that shouldn't be passed up. I wrote an email to Harriet, telling her about the charity that Pat had been using for his drive. It's called Heifer International. Instead of just giving food to the poor, they go into developing countries, give them animals to care for, and teach them how to use the livestock to create a sustainable source of income and food. It's a fantastic idea, and a worthy charity. I asked Harriet if she'd mind me auctioning off a character in A Memory of Light. She was behind that 100%. As some of you may know, Robert Jordan did something like this once, giving a walk-on part to a fan in one of the books. There are a LOT of people who need to be named in this story, and so why not let a few of those names and descriptions go to real people?

    Setting up the infrastructure for this took long enough that we couldn't just make it part of Pat's charity drive, but he was the inspiration, so he gets a bow and a tip of the hat. I talked with Melissa over at—which deals with the charitable work among Wheel of Time fandom—and we kicked around some ideas. Here's what we came up with.

    You can appear in the Wheel of Time. There are two ways.

    First, you can bid in the silent auction. This is just what it sounds like—you bid an amount, if you bid the most, you get a walk-on part in the Wheel of Time. I promise you a few lines of dialogue at least, and I'll let you pick your nationality and affiliation. We get veto rights over the spelling of your name—it has to fit the world and culture—but other than that, you've got a lot of control over what your character will look like and act like. The bidding ends early April; details are on TarValon's website.

    However, Melissa and I realized that this auction would probably go high, probably into the thousands of dollars. We'd get one huge donation, but a lot of people would feel left out. And so we decided to create a SECOND way that you could appear in the Wheel of Time. During the Last Battle, there will be a lot of groups fighting the Shadow. Well, we're going to develop and include a special group to represent the Wheel of Time fans who donate in our charity drive. If you can't participate in the auction, you can still donate a few bucks to Heifer through Tar Valon's link, and you can consider yourself part of this group. We're letting the fans vote on what the group's nationality is, and from there we'll probably let the fans pick the banner for the group as well. This group will be written into the novel (there are several places where I'll need to be doing this and inserting various groups of people) as participating. Several of the officers of the group will be mentioned by name. Those officers names will be drawn randomly from everyone who donated at least $20 to the fund raiser through

    I hope that's not too confusing—there's another explanation on the official rules page, which I suggest you look over. In short, you can do one of two things (or both:)

    1) Bid on the naming rights through the auction.

    2) Make a donation and join those fighting in the Last Battle. (With a $20 minimum donation getting you a shot at appearing in the book.)

    This is the sort of opportunity that doesn't come around very often. Happy bidding, and thank you.


    These names were not included until Towers of Midnight. Anthony Aziz won the silent auction (Azi al'Thone), and the other fan names are listed here.


  • 8

    Interview: Feb 5th, 2009

    Brandon Sanderson

    As one might expect, I've had a lot of feedback about the cameo in A Memory of Light charity drive. Many people are excited, some people are concerned. I'd like to take a few moments to answer a few general questions I've gotten.

    First off, if you want to vote for the nationality of the group, it's happening right now on I won't say anything about who is winning here, though I'll link when the announcement is made. Why? Well, some people don't want to know.

    There are a LOT of hidden secrets in the Wheel of Time books like this. Everything from cameo appearances by Robert Jordan himself, to the names of street near where he lived, to legends about people in our own world, to appearances by fans. But I understand that some people don't want to know about most of these—they don't want to be pulled out of the world and the story. Therefore, I'll stay away from mentioning specifics here.

    The final cameos will be written in such a way that you won't be able to pick them out without knowing already. The thing about a book like this is that you NEED a lot of new names. You don't need to worry that the people who win will walk on and say "Hey, I won the cameo! Neat!" It will be more subtle than that.

    Remember, also, that there are very valid in-world reasons for this. According to the Wheel of Time mythology, we all live countless lives, over and over again, woven and re-woven into the Pattern. Because of that, people living on the Earth right now could very well be living again when the events of A Memory of Light come to pass. ;)

    Anyway, thank you all for your enthusiasm.


  • 9

    Interview: Apr 6th, 2009

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is your last week for a chance at appearing in the final book of the Wheel of Time. The auctions end on the 10th of April, and it stands at $10,000 right now. If you were eying this chance, now's the time to make your bid.

    Also, if you want to donate a smaller amount to get a shot at appearing in the last book, you have to donate by the 10th as well. We'll be drawing names at JordanCon next week. I'll need more than just the couple of names promised, and I'll be going to this list of donators when I need inspiration for names in the book. It's for a worthy cause. Please consider throwing twenty bucks or so at Heifer to help feed those who need it. (And note, for those who are vegetarian and don't feel comfortable donating to Heifer, contact Melissa at I'll bet you could work something out, and I'll authorize donations to an alternate charity for those special cases. I respect your view, and while I don't subscribe to it, don't want to place you in a position of being excluded.) We've raised over $20k so far, mostly in small donations here and there. Frankly, I'm astounded at how well this has gone.

    For those who don't like the idea of this fundraiser, remember that I promise not to post names of winners directly here on the blog. I'll always link to specifics so you can ignore it all if you like. I promise that it won't spoil the book. You'll have to know what to look for to even notice it.

    Unless other arrangements are made, the appearances will all happen in book three of the three book split.

    In an unrelated note, yes, I'm on Twitter now. (As some have noticed.) The tweets are mirrored to my Facebook status, however, so you can watch them either place. Find me on Twitter @BrandonSandrson.


  • 10

    Interview: 2010


    Here is an alphabetical list of names chosen, with details if given. They will be linked to EWOT pages when those are updated after the A Memory of Light comes out. The main auction for the speaking part was won by Sandip Mehta.

    Eric Allen (In the Tower Guard; gets sworn at by someone who swears a lot. Perhaps Uno?)
    Jesamyn Angelica
    Charlie Bachelder (Aiel fighting in Last Battle)
    Johnnie Lee Barrington, Jr. (Deathwatch Guard)
    Paul Benish (Malkieri)
    Melissa Bergevin
    Jonathan Brockelman (Whitecloak)
    Joff Brown (a city)
    Brandon Bryant (Band of the Red Hand)
    Jonathan Burt (Whitecloak)
    Helen Cousins
    Jay Dauro (Deathwatch Guard)
    Shaun Davis
    Gavin Doyle
    Natalie Doyle
    Daniel Egonsson
    Kevin Fanshier
    Jacob Figler (Band of the Red Hand)
    Craig Foster (Borderlander; does not live long.)
    Filis [Emery?] (Green Ajah)
    Shani Gamble
    [?] Gilbert, son of Chris
    Courtney Gliszczynski (First name used.)
    Cindy Goodman
    Michael Gonzalez
    Mione Haak
    Laura Hayden
    Laura Hepburn
    Hugh Hill
    Andrew Holcombe
    Steven Karam
    Rion Kinosaki
    Einar Laastad Kjosavik (Asha'man who is balefired by a Forsaken.)
    Sean Little
    Nils Loodin (Aiel scout)
    Glen MacDonald (Deathwatch Guard)
    Sandip Mehta
    Mikayla Micomonaco (damane)
    Robert Moreau
    Bach Payson (Borderlander; does not live long.)
    Eric Peters
    Eleanor Pettener (Wise One, or perhaps an apprentice.)
    Alex Prescott
    Bryan Ragon (Borderlander; does not live long; dies well.)
    Sally Rankin
    Kimberly Readdy (Wise One, or perhaps an apprentice.)
    Kris Ring (Seanchan Blood)
    Anna Roberts
    Nikhil Rode (Aiel scout)
    Robert Rose
    Angela Ryddingwood
    Maureen Sampson (Aes Sedai)
    San D'ma Shadar (Group referenced by Mat which fought in a historic battle; translates to "Slayers of the Shadow".)
    Michael Sarcone (Darkfriend, on request.)
    Nathan Sawyer
    Eric Silva
    Shane Spears (Aiel, of course.)
    Leisha Springer
    Margaret St. John (Maiden name [not tweeted] will be a Seanchan general.)
    Caitlin Sullivan (White Ajah)
    Roger Trask (Aiel fighting in Last Battle)
    Lindsey Turnbow (wolf)
    Neil Tweed (Some woods, named after the original owners.)
    Pia Maria Vaajakallio (Aes Sedai)
    Kurt Wagoner (Two Rivers man)
    Eyal Weinstock
    Jordan White (wolf)
    Shiv Whorra
    Harm Wieringa
    Savannah Rose Young (Seanchan general)
    Jason Zigmont

    Brandon Sanderson (5 October 2011)

    Do you want your name to appear in A Memory of Light? Click here.


    Not sure if you wish to defend yourself:


    Thanks for the heads up.


    "The auction will be through eBay and 10% of the proceeds will go to the Mayo Clinic" Wait, 10%? What about to the other 90?


    To Jordancon, a non-profit. (It's all there in the blog post.)


    On the A Memory of Light name drive: this is PRIMARILY a fund raiser for Jordancon, which Harriet and I believe deserves support.


    For a while, I've been wanting to do this to help Jordancon make ends meet, as I think it is a great way to honor RJ's name and legacy.


    Please note that Jordancon HAS applied to be tax-exempt as a 501(c)3. This means you will probably be able to deduct your donations.


    Cindy Goodman, just drew your name to be in A Memory of Light.


    Jason Zigmont, I just used (a variation of) your name in A Memory of Light. Details, for those confused, here.


    Glen MacDonald, welcome to the Deathwatch Guard. (Explanation)


    Running on too little sleep; I'm having trouble getting A Memory of Light written on the plane. Instead, I'm going to start filling in name placeholders.


    Shane Spears, you are first. Yes, you will be Aiel. There's really no way I could pass that up. Steven Karam, you are in A Memory of Light too.


    So everyone who donates gets their name in? Or are you just selecting a few?


    Selecting semi-randomly, I'm afraid. Everyone is in 'spiritually' but I won't have enough names for all.


    Eric Peters, you're in. Kimberly Readdy, you are wise, are you not?


    Can you say approximately how many names you will be needing? just so i know just how small my chance is... :)


    Maybe a hundred.


    What do you have in as placeholders?


    I use "***" to placehold in books, sometimes with one letter at the end to keep different placeheld people straight.


    Eleanor Pettener, you are soon to be wise. Laura Hayden, you're in. Shani Gamble, are you a boy or a girl? Name websites can't decide.


    Have you started drawing names for the JordanCon auction? Also, there's no clear date as to when the drawing really "ends" ...


    Yes, this is for the JordanCon deal. I'm pretty sure that the first cutoff is right. Anyone before then has a chance.


    How do you decide which names you're going to pick? is it based on sound or?


    Sometimes, I draw. Others, I just scroll, then stop at a name and work on it a moment. See if it works.


    (waving hand wildly) How about dropping in a fellow author? Granted, an indie author, but an epic fantasy indie author.


    Nothing wrong with being indie. But, in this case, I'm only using people who donated.


    For all still wondering what's up with these names, and how to join in the fun, here is that link again.


    Is there a spot where you post the names? Just in case we miss the tweets?


    I will try to post them all at the end.


    What are the chances of a name getting used if you donate?


    Hard to say. It will depend on number of donators and number of names needed. Between 1% and 10% maybe?


    Eric Allen, you're in the Tower Guard. Someone just swore at you, but he swears at lots of people. (How to get in)


    Einar Laastad Kjosavik, the good news is you're an Asha'man. The bad news is that one of the Forsaken just balefired you.


    So if half my name is a Forsaken's alias, and the other half is an Aiel chief, should I even think about going on the list?


    Ha. Well, I do change most of the names, so anything can theoretically be used.


    Hey man, so If we donate to the good cause we are guaranteed a spot in the book or names get pulled off the list at random?


    Mostly random, I'm afraid. There is one 'sure shot' auction coming up, but last time that went for A LOT of money.


    How many names do you still need in the book? And how many new names are there actually? Was just curious to those numbers.


    I'll use around a hundred in the book, I think. Still need to choose most of those.


    Mikayla Micomonaco, congrats! You're in A Memory of Light. I hope you don't mind being a damane. Details.


    Margaret St. John, you are a Seanchan general. (Using your maiden name; thanks for providing that. It worked great.)


    Joff Brown, I drew your name next. I made you into a city, actually.


    A "city" in the Blight?


    A Memory of Light will reveal it for sure.


    People are asking how many more names I'll use, as the book is 80% done. I left placeholders in dozens of names earlier that will be filled.


    Are you just dropping names in as is or will they be "Wheel of Time-ified"?




    Alex Prescott, you are in A Memory of Light.


    Jonathan Burt and Jonathan Brockelman, you two are a pair of Whitecloaks.


    Need a name for a sister from the Green Ajah. And...the name chosen was David Emery, who entered the name of his late sister, Filis.


    The A Memory of Light name auction has begun. One winner. Or enter the drawing, multiple winners.


    I am still picking names to go in the book, as per this blog post. Should be more of those tonight.


    The "Get your name in A Memory of Light" charity auction had to be restarted due to ebay issues. Here's the new link.


    Enough people have asked, so it bears repeating. The name auction and the name drawing are different. Explanation here.


    Thursday is the final day to enter the drawing to get your name in A Memory of Light. Details here.


    Today's the final day to enter the drawing (& support JordanCon) to get your name in A Memory of Light. Last chance.


    The drawing to get your name in A Memory of Light closes to entries in 4 hours. I still have a lot of names to draw.


    How many more names are left to draw?


    Still a good fifty, I'd say.


    Have you been using people's names for characters? Haven't seen any posts/updates with that in a long time.


    I've been putting in placeholders, and will be drawing out names over the next few months to replace them.


    Shaun Davis, I just used your name in A Memory of Light.


    Shiv Whorra, I needed another name, and you're in too.


    Is there a running list somewhere of the reader names you've used? And I hope you're feeling completely well soon. : )


    We'll post them all once I'm done.


    For those asking about names: this was done as a fund-raiser for JordanCon, so I'm no longer taking names. (Sorry.)


    Explanation follows. (I do this sort of thing for all of my books, though, so there will be chances for other books.)


    Robert Moreau and Robert Rose, you two are next. Welcome to A Memory of Light.


    It is so exciting to see you pulling the names out of the hat... how many do you think you'll end up using? :)


    Still many more.


    Since you're not taking names anymore and have a full rough draft, could you make a guess at our odds of being drawn?


    Really hard to guess. I have about 1,000 placeholders in the book, as told to me by Word, but...


    Most of those are not "replace a name here" notes, but instead "Look this up" or "describe this better" or "continuity check."


    Brandon Bryant, welcome to the Band of the Red Hand. (Unfortunately, we're not accepting new names. Details)


    I know no new names—for those of us who put ours in the hat before, how many spots approximately are left? What are our chances?!


    I have no idea, I'm afraid. There are about 2k people in the drawing. Maybe a hundred names? Rough guesses.


    Daniel Egonsson, I drew your name for A Memory of Light. (Unfortunately, we're not accepting new names. Details:


    But for those of us in the drawing we still have a shot right?




    Gavin Doyle, you're in too. (Yes, I will eventually post a list of all of these.)


    Jacob Figler, you're next. (Sorry, ladies. I'll draw some female names soon.)


    Hey that's me!!! Are you saying my name is going to be in A Memory of Light???


    Yup. You're in the Band of the Red Hand.


    YES!!! Check out the shirt I got yesterday hahaha! Perfect! And THANKS!!!


    Useful picture. Now I can describe you. :)


    haha, well if you need any details let me know!


    Okay, here's a woman: Jesamyn Angelica, you're in A Memory of Light.


    Kevin Fanshier, I only needed one name for A Memory of Light today, but yours is it.


    Kurt Wagoner, you're in A Memory of Light as a Two Rivers man.


    Laura Hepburn, I have chosen your name for A Memory of Light.


    Leisha Springer, your name came up next.


    Nathan Sawyer, you were drawn next.


    Do you or your assistant keep a list of drawn names? Can you post them?


    I do keep a list, and will post them eventually.


    When you write a book do you fill the less important names in later?


    Often I do just that. It can break the flow of writing to develop the right name, particularly when I might cut that scene.


    Angela Ryddingwood, I have drawn your name.


    Bach Payson, I put you in A Memory of Light, but immediately killed you. Sorry 'bout that.


    Oh, and Bryan Ragon, same goes for you. You died well, though.


    Craig Foster, you round out the trio of dead Borderlanders I needed for this scene.


    Just curious Brandon, are the names coming out of the proverbial hat, or do you look for names that can be easily WOTified?


    Most things are pretty easy to wot-ify. And, since I can use either first or last, I haven't yet found any that don't work.


    Are you changing the names of people you put in A Memory of Light to make them more "Randland" appropriate?


    They are changed.


    Michael Gonzalez, your name came up next. (Yes, I am wot-izing all of these.)


    Mione Haak, I drew your name for A Memory of Light.


    Neil Tweed, you too.


    Who am I? Dark or light? Do I die well?


    I try not to use fan names for the shadow very often. I actually named some woods after you.


    You would have been one of the original owners of the land where the woods were, I should think.


    Nikhil Rode and Nils Loodin, I needed two Aiel scouts.


    Kris Ring, you're a member of the Seanchan Blood.


    Johnnie Lee Barrington, Jr. and Jay Dauro, you are members of the Deathwatch Guard.


    Paul Benish, hope you look good in the hadori.


    I'm confused. You are still using names but won't take anymore? So my name may still come up assuming you aren't done us ...


    It very well might. If you are on the list, there is a chance.


    Pia Maria Vaajakallio, you are Aes Sedai.


    Maureen Sampson, you're in the White Tower too.


    Natalie Doyle, your name came up for A Memory of Light.


    Melissa Bergevin, your name came up next.


    Harm Wieringa, your name came up next.


    Taking a long time to add the names hehe


    I'm doing the first revision, and running across places where I left placeholders instead of names.


    Jordan White, you're a wolf.


    Lindsey Turnbow, you too.


    Is anyone keeping track of the names that are being drawn for A Memory of Light?


    Yes, they are. We'll post them eventually.


    Savannah Rose Young, you're a Seanchan general.


    Sally Rankin, your name came up too.


    They all get changed. Some as little as Thom or Mat (if appropriate.) Some to things very different.


    How many names got submitted?


    Three thousand, I think.


    Anna Roberts and Andrew Holcombe, I drew your names most recently for A Memory of Light.


    Caitlin Sullivan, you're in the White Ajah.


    Courtney Gliszczynski, your name came up next. I think I'll adapt your first name, not your last, if that's all right...


    Michael Sarcone, you asked to be a Darkfriend for some reason, and I obliged.


    Chris Gilbert, you entered your son's name into A Memory of Light and it has been used.


    Drew a bunch of names I didn't report. Eric Silva, Hugh Hill, Sean Little, Rion Kinosaki, Helen Cousins, Eyal Weinstock.


    This is Sean Little, the guy that emailed you previously regarding putting in a group name. Did that entry have...


    ...San D'ma Shadar as the name?




    Thank you very much.


    Trying to figure out the San in that phrase, though. Is the "San" a name, or a word in the Old Tongue I'm missing?


    The translation used on the site (made by our Old Tongue experts) is Slayers of the Shadow. I could ask for the exact translation.


    That works for me. I actually put the name in a place where it could refer to a group, so I'll tweak it to do so.


    Your favorite Two Rivers man, Azi al'Thone, back to bug you again :D I had put in an entry for SDS as well... and since...


    ...I'm a member of SDS of TV.Net, I'm wondering what (if any) possibility there is of making Azi part of it?


    Of course, I understand if that's complicated or doesn't fit with the story—had to ask anyways.


    The group is referenced by Mat as being part of a historical battle.


    Oh okay! Yes, that would be really hard to make work then :P Thanks for the response, Great Lord :)


    Working on one of the big, climactic sections at the end of A Memory of Light right now. Not many names left to draw, I'm afraid. A handful, maybe.


    Remember, there is a special group of Dragonsworn in the Last Battle representing all who donated, so even if you aren't named, you're there.


    Roger Trask and Charlie Bachelder, turns out I needed two more Aiel to fight in the Last Battle.


  • 11

    Interview: Oct 8th, 2009

    Brandon Sanderson

    Finally, progress on Towers of Midnight is continuing at a fair pace. As always, there are sections that turn out beautifully and sections that don't. (The latter get thrown away and rewritten, the former get kept and rewritten. That's just how this goes.) I'm feeling very good about my deadlines on this one. It's going to be tight, but I think you'll get it next year as planned.

    One of the things I felt could be improved on from The Gathering Storm is my use of names. Robert Jordan had a distinctive way of using names, and I think that some of my names for the book didn't quite hit the right mark. We're talking about very minor things—people who are named and don't appear, or maybe who speak one line or another. Anyone more major than that generally had a name already (or if they didn't, I pulled a name from one of Mr. Jordan's unused names files).

    The thing is, a good epic fantasy like this uses dozens and dozens of new names in a book. I wanted to take a stab at approaching the naming in the way Mr. Jordan did. During my very first ride with Harriet, coming back from the airport two years ago to her home in Charleston, I remember her talking about some of Mr. Jordan's names. One came from a street we passed, another from a person he knew, and another from a word he saw on a sign. His goal was to hint at our world far in the future—or perhaps far in the past—by giving occasional hints to our world through legend, story, song, and name. Hence we get names like Thom or Artur, which are direct adaptations of names from our world.

    Therefore, for Towers of Midnight I've been using a list of names from our world as inspiration. I chose the list of donors for the charity event that did last spring, and I've been posting the names on Twitter and Facebook as I choose them. So if you're curious about this, you can watch and see who gets chosen. I'm certain someone out there is keeping a list of them all as well. (I've got one here, and may post it eventually.)

    I don't want to make it seem like I'm playing favorites or soliciting praise in order to get people into the Wheel of Time, and so for now I'm using this list ONLY. If we decide to do another charity event, I'll let you know. If you don't want to find out about the names, I won't post them here on the blog, but those who do wish to know can follow along. Remember, these are very small characters, often just mentioned by name but not seen. I'm adapting all the names, so the name I post is not what will appear in the book—it's just the inspiration for what will appear.

    Still, I think it will make some people very happy and will allow me to try a method that Robert Jordan used in making these books. Perhaps it wasn't so conscious for him as it is for me, but one of my duties in writing these novels is to try—to the best of my abilities—to maintain the proper feel of the Wheel of Time. I think this will help. We'll see; I've got Harriet and Team Jordan backing me up, and so if any of the names stand out to them, they'll vanish and get replaced with something more appropriate.

    (And, as I've said before, remember that the Wheel of Time turns, and people are constantly spun in and out of the Pattern. Those who are alive today could very well live again during the Third Age, and so it's not so odd at all for people who loved these books during our time to get pulled into Rand's ta'veren web and spun out again during the events of the Last Battle. . . .)


  • 12

    Interview: Nov 7th, 2010

    Hilwa Katir

    Some things you may or may have not known:

    Harriet McDougal Rigney

    Harriet graduated from Harvard University. She had a hand in editing The Way of Kings and drum roll please, Brandon let it slip that there will be one more opportunity to make a donation and have the chance to have your name be in the Final book of the series!!!!!! THANK YOU!


  • 13

    Interview: Feb 28th, 2011

    staircasewit ()

    I really enjoy your books, and I can only think of one question at the moment, perhaps I'll come back with more.

    I suppose my question is about how you name your characters. I've been reading WoT and notice some similarities, for example Cenn, and Sarene, and Shalon (different spelling, but they probably sound the same). Is it purely by accident that you have characters with similar names, or is it a homage to a recent master of the fantasy genre? Or is it just that with RJ's 2000+ names, it's impossible to escape some overlap? :) So I guess I'm curious about how you name your characters in general (and even places. Urithiru is an awesome name.)

    Thanks for your time, and your books!

    Brandon Sanderson

    I ended up with a lot of unconscious similarities in Kings as I was working on it for such an extended period of time. Cenn wasn't actually intentional. (At least, I don't think so; sometimes, it's hard to remember back to which names pop out intentionally and which do not.) The eyebrows of the Thaylens were, however, an intentional homage, as is the name of the mountains by where Szeth's people live.

    There is going to be some overlap. Sarene is a great example of this; I'm pretty sure that one is just coincidence, though I'd lay odds on Cenn being an unconscious influence.

    Some of the names in the book were constructed quite intentionally to fit linguistic paradigms of the setting. Urithiru, for example, is a palindrome—which are holy in the Alethi and Veden tongues. Some names, like Shallan, are intentionally one letter off of a holy word—as to not sound too arrogant. (Shallash would be the holy word; nobility will often change one letter to create a child's name to evoke the holy term, but not be blasphemous.)

    With many, I just go for the right feel. I've worked these names over for years and years at this point. Dalinar's name has been set in place for a good ten years or so, but Kaladin used to be named Merin and Szeth used to be named Jek. (The first changed because I didn't like it; the second changed because the linguistics of the Shin people changed and I needed a name that better fit.)


  • 14

    Interview: Apr 4th, 2011

    Brandon Sanderson

    Want your name to appear as a character in the Stormlight Archive? There's going to be an auction for just that starting on Wednesday to benefit the Life, the Universe, & Everything (LTUE) symposium. I'll post more details when the auction begins.

    This year's LTUE hosted the recording of a number of episodes of the Writing Excuses podcast, one of which aired this week. In it, Dan and Howard are joined by Robison Wells and Sarah Eden to talk about writing romance.


  • 15

    Interview: Apr 13th, 2011

    Brandon Sanderson

    There are also a couple of other updates. Towers of Midnight has made it to the semifinals of Audible's Tournament of Audiobooks, but it is currently behind in votes to Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes. If you liked the Towers of Midnight audiobook, consider giving it your vote. (Of course you can vote for Matterhorn instead, if you think that was a better audiobook.)

    The Stormlight Archive character name auction is still going on. The local newspaper did an article on it.

    I haven't linked this week's Writing Excuses podcast episode yet. Recent episodes were recorded at LTUE when I was at ConDFW, so I haven't been appearing, but this episode marks my return. Dan Wells, Howard Tayler, and I talk about urban fantasy.


  • 16

    Interview: Oct 5th, 2011

    Brandon Sanderson

    Short version: I'm going to be drawing a bunch of names to adapt for use in A Memory of Light. To add your name to the pool, donate here. There will also be an auction for a more important character name in November.


  • 17

    Interview: Oct 5th, 2011

    Brandon Sanderson

    Long version: If you were following me on Twitter and Facebook early last year, you saw me mention a large number of readers whose names I was adapting to appear in Towers of Midnight. The most common question I got in response was, "How do I get my name on that list?!" My response was that you had to have contributed to a fundraiser that ran back before The Gathering Storm came out. But I let people know there would be another chance to get your name into the final book in the series, A Memory of Light.

    Each Wheel of Time book has around two hundred new character and place names. When I was writing The Gathering Storm I tried inventing names the way I usually do, and I found that some of them didn't blend so well. So I decided to move to the method Robert Jordan used: He picked many names by altering ones that appear in our world today. This fits with the way he constructed the world of the Wheel of Time, as that world is both our world's distant future and distant past, and our legends are based on events from that world and that world's legends are based on events from our world. Picking names that way for Towers of Midnight resulted in ones that blended in better, with the happy bonus that a lot of fans who had contributed to the fundraiser but not won the contest for the three individual name winners at the time were still able to have their name appear in the book as a minor character (or location).

    Auctioning off naming rights was something I started doing even before I had the opportunity to work on the Wheel of Time. I spoke some about this in my original post on the subject back in 2009. Well, in April this year, we did another auction to appear in the next Stormlight Archive book. That auction benefitted a local Utah not-for-profit corporation for educational, literary, artistic and charitable purposes, with primary interest in science fiction and fantasy. They in turn donated the funds to BYU's volunteer-run science fiction and fantasy symposium, Life, the Universe, and Everything. The symposium was a great help to me back when I was an aspiring writer, and supporting something like that is a cause I can get behind completely.

    So we're doing something similar this year for names in A Memory of Light. The process is being run by JordanCon, the not-for-profit fantasy literature convention that was founded in honor of Robert Jordan. I've been to three JordanCons now, and it is a great convention. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit both JordanCon and the Mayo Clinic.

    For the details, I'm just going to quote their news release in full.

    The Robert Jordan estate, Brandon Sanderson and JordanCon, Inc are pleased to announce a joint effort to raise money for two incredible not-for-profit organizations and offer fans the chance to become a named character in the final installment of A Memory of Light.

    Fans will have two opportunities to participate in this fundraising effort.

    The first option will be a highest-bidder auction through eBay's eBay Giving Works. The highest bidder in this auction will be memorialized as a character (physical description, name within guidelines) in the final installment of The Wheel of Time. This auction will run from November 1 to November 10.

    The second option is through a drawing. Fans who donate $10 will have their names entered into a drawing to included in the final installment of A Memory of Light. The final number of names drawn is determined by Brandon Sanderson as dictated by the needs of the story. Donating is not a guarantee that you will be included.

    The Mayo Clinic, a non-profit organization and premier medial research center; as well as JordanCon, a literary convention and non-profit organization based in Atlanta, Georgia are both set to benefit from this fundraiser.


    JordanCon is a fantasy literature convention founded in honor of the late author, Robert Jordan. Jordan was the author of the best selling The Wheel of Time series. JordanCon features four tracks of simultaneous programming, a Dealers Hall, and charity events benefiting the Mayo Clinic. Past guests have included Harriet McDougal, Brandon Sanderson, David Wong, Jana G. Oliver, David B. Coe and Eugie Foster.

    New to JordanCon this year will be the Art Show featuring art from a variety of fantasy and sci fi artists. Guests this year will include author Mary Robinette Kowal, artist Sam Weber and Toastmaster Melissa Craib Dombrowski.

    Please note that JordanCon, Inc has applied for tax-exempt status as a 501(c)3 corporation. While we are awaiting the final verdict from the IRS, we are allowed to begin soliciting donations. Our tax-exempt status will be retroactively applied to the day of our filing.


    For more than 100 years, Mayo Clinic has inspired hope and contributed to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. Today, your generosity is at the heart of sustaining Mayo's mission.

    As a not-for-profit organization, Mayo Clinic reinvests all earnings into improving patient care. Yet philanthropy provides essential support as we develop better methods to understand, predict, prevent, diagnose and treat disease, and train the next generation of physicians and scientists.

    Mayo Clinic has more than 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers from every medical specialty. They work together with 46,000 allied health employees to care for more than half a million patients each year, from every U.S. state and many countries.

    In 2006, Robert Jordan was diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis, which is a rare blood disease where abnormal proteins form in the bone marrow and become deposited in the patient's heart. During his illness Robert Jordan received treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and encouraged his fans to donate in support of the clinic. JordanCon is proud to continue to honor that request each year through various charitable fundraisers at the convention.

    Q & A

    If I donate, What happens to the money?

    All funds received will go directly to JordanCon with 10% of the proceeds going to the Mayo Clinic.

    May I participate in both?

    Yes, you may participate in both the General Auction and the Drawing. Please note you cannot win more than one character named for you.

    Please follow these instructions! In the notes section, include your full name, and email address.

    What are the rules for naming characters?

    You may use your name or an appropriate name of your choice, but the author reserves the right to approve it or change it to fit the type of character created. A physical description of yourself may be used.

    How long is the Fundraiser and when will winners be announced?

    The fundraiser will run from October 1 to December 1, 2011, and winners will be announced at The auction will run from November 1 to November 10. We will announce the winner of the auction and the first name drawn by Brandon Sanderson. All future names drawn will be announced via Brandon's website.

    Can I be entered multiple times in the General Drawing by giving several donations?

    Yes! For every $10 you donate, you name will be entered into the drawing. If you donate $100, your name will be entered 10 times. However, your name can only appear once in the story.

    I am trying to donate to the General Auction or enter the Drawing, but have difficulties. Who do I contact?

    You must contact eBay for issues regarding payments. They are our vendor handling all the transactions. If you are having an issue with the drawing, please contact

    May I pay by check or cash?

    At this time we are only able to accept credit card, debit, or PayPal as methods of donation.

    Who is eligible to win?

    All fans are eligible to win with the exception of members of JordanCon, Incorporated's board of directors and their immediate families.

    I have questions about my privacy.

    All donors give consent to have their names published publicly. This is done to ensure fairness and so you may see that your name did go through before we randomly draw the winners for the Drawing. All winners, including the General Auction winner, further agree to allow us to use their names to announce them as the donors selected to be use in A Memory of Light, including use of their names in any publicity associated with The Wheel of Time in this regard.

    Private information such as contact emails and phone numbers will be given to Brandon Sanderson in case he chooses to use additional names at a later time. All other copies will be destroyed.

    What if I have more questions?

    Please send them to with a subject heading indicating your question. We will get back to you as soon as we can!


  • 18

    Interview: Oct 10th, 2011

    Brandon Sanderson

    I've put up another Twitter archive post. And as I continue writing the first draft of A Memory of Light (now up to 75% of my 300,000-word projection), keep your eye on Twitter and Facebook. Each time I come across a spot in the book where I need to insert a new name, I'll pick one from the A Memory of Light fundraiser drawing that's currently ongoing, and I'll announce whose name I picked. For more info see last week's post.


  • 19

    Interview: Aug 31st, 2011

    Reddit AMA 2011 (Verbatim)

    Dovienya ()

    Okay, so I have this idea for A Memory of Light. Hear me out.

    I think you/Harriet/whoever should allow some sort of money raising contest to write a dedication for the book. Any money raised could go toward amyloidosis research (or maybe something else, if Jordan had some cause he really believed in).

    You could run the contest one of two ways. First, an auction, which could potentially raise the most money. However, I've always hated these, since only people with tons of spending money ever have a chance.

    Or you could charge everyone a flat price—$1, $5, something like that—and then your or Harriet could draw the winner from a hat or whatever.

    Obviously you'd have to have some sort of disclaimer so that if the winner ended up being something like, "I hope we see Nynaeve smother Faile with her braid in this one," it could be ruled inappropriate.

    Anyway, I just think it'd be a nice way to encourage reader interaction, raise money for a good cause, and give a lucky reader the chance to immortalize him- or herself in one of the most awesome, epic series of all time.

    (I once gave this idea to Jason over at Dragonmount and he said I should suggest it to you or Harriet, but then I forgot about it. And now the opportunity to mention it has presented itself. Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is a kinda cool idea. I'll think about it, but the thing is, I strongly feel that RJ would have dedicated the book to Harriet—and I kind of think that should be the case.

    I'll consider it, but I'm more likely to auction off naming rights to a character or two to let people have a stamp on the book like you suggest and do something good, but not use the dedication. We shall see. I'll consider.


  • 20

    Interview: Nov 1st, 2011

    Brandon Sanderson

    First, on an unrelated topic, the charity auction for getting your name in A Memory of Light is now live. There will be one winner, and the auction ends November 10th. You can also still donate to the drawing through December 1st and have a chance at your name getting used.


  • 21

    Interview: 2010

    Towers of Midnight

    This entry is a collection of tweets by Brandon announcing the names of the fans who won the charity contest to get their names in Towers of Midnight. Also named in the book were Matt Hatch, webmaster of Theoryland (innkeeper at The Dusty Wheel); Melissa Craib, webmaster of Tar Valon (innkeeper at The Seven-Striped Lass); and Jason Denzel, webmaster of Dragonmount (innkeeper at The Happy Throng). Also included were Kate Nepveu, an old rasfwrj fan and blogger for, and Anthony Aziz of, who won the JordanCon 2010 auction. According to Linda's article on the subject, Padra was named after Tricia Erikson, a JordanCon publicist who passed away recently from cancer.

    I missed these tweets by Brandon (date unknown), but Linda kindly shared them with me:


    Oh, one more. Joel Derby, you're dead too.

    Also, Nick Okamoto, I used your name in Towers of Midnight this morning. Congrats.

    Need to name two men who die gruesome deaths in Towers of Midnight. Tim Riddell, William Reeves, RIP.

    Also, John Sloan, you survive.

    Brandon Sanderson (28 September 2009)

    Most readers know that Robert Jordan looked to real world names and places as inspiration for names in the WoT.


    In order to help maintain this feel, I’m doing the same. For Towers of Midnight, I’m looking for inspiration in the list of names from a fund raiser.


    First name: Adam Hahn. Congrats. Now, know that I may adapt the name, and may use either the first or the last, depending on what strikes me.


    Second name: Alfred Granger.


    Next, Adam Sampson and Adrienne Hotard.


    @howardtayler—lol. I actually used the Adrienne part. Beautiful name, with a very 'WoT' feel to it.


    Laura Negin, you ended up as a village near Tar Valon.


    Alec Breen, Alejandro Uso, your names just got picked to appear in Towers of Midnight. Also, Alisa Harris, I don't think I mentioned you yesterday.


    Recently adapted names: Fitzgerald Clark, Eric Mazsone, Han Zhang. You guys just joined the ranks of the Younglings.


    Maksim Zhukov, your name came up next.


    Nicole Nimry, I trust you won't mind joining the Green Ajah?


    Farah Sadaoui, into the book you go.


    Jennifer Kaiser, your name just got chosen.


    Kine Lohne Finsas, I just used your name in Towers of Midnight. And I'm sorry for dropping a Trolloc on your head.


    George Zell, I just used your name (or a version of it) in Towers of Midnight.


    Paul Postuma, I named a door after you in Towers of Midnight. [?]


    The door will make sense in the book’s context. Remember, I usually keep posts about unpublished WoT books intentionally obscure.


    Sarah Kainec, how good are you with a spear?


    @Galadriena You're Sarah, then?


    Well then, your earlier reply was perfect. Watch for the name Kainea in Towers of Midnight...


    Her tweets are protected, so I couldn't include them.


    Brent Welborn and Brian Lehnen, I hope you don't mind dying bravely in battle.


    Christopher Helmke, you survive. (For now.) Duty is heavier than a mountain...


    Dustin Durham, Ed Sorrentino, Eddy Knapper, see my previous post. That goes for you too.


    Timothy Brown, you're an Asha'man.


    Steven Connelly, Rhett Petcher, you have fallen in battle.


    Robert Barett, Sean O'Connell, you survive this day. (Barely.)


    Last name for now is Sigrid Andersson. Hope you're a good horseman.


    Amir Yoeli and Stephen Antill, peace favor your swords. One of you saves an someone’s life; the other Heals his broken leg.


    Deep Bhandari, did your parents name you with the expectation that you'd end up in a fantasy novel? Hope you look good in black.


    Ifeyinwa Eboh and Eva Snyder, I just handed you spears and put you into Towers of Midnight.


    Paul Jarr, your name just came up for a scene in Towers of Midnight.


    Yes, that post yesterday does mean I'm writing new material for Towers of Midnight. Revision isn't ALL done, but enough done to be filling in scenes.


    Scott Reid, hope you've been practicing with your Two Rivers longbow.


    Susan Moore [?], you just made an appearance in the Wheel of Time. Congrats.


    Andrew Sparks, you are in Towers of Midnight. You are not human, however.


    Varkey Titus and Tina Wagner [?], welcome to Towers of Midnight. Your names got drawn.


    I will be posting more names of people who got into Towers of Midnight. (These are people who participated in the WoT charity drive a few years back.)


    First name: Scott Bartlett. Congrats.


    Shawn Montgomery, how are you with a longbow?


    Kine Elandra Bjørnsdatter Haug. You're in the book too. (Note, I WILL be changing these names to fit...)


    Leslie Annis is next. Many of these names are going places I put placeholders in the text. In some, I use a name from Mr. Jordan's files.


    Judith Bélair-Kyle, you are in the book, as is Jonathan Sim.


    Lyford Chris (Or is it Chris Lyford?) Either way, you are in the book.


    Mark Comer, you're in too. Congrats.


    Gregory Frenette, I choose you! (Read in Pokemon voice.)


    Jaswant Singh Ranu and James Hirsch, your names came up next. Almost done naming for the day.


    Jeremy Naus, Kevin Orr, you two came up next.


    Okay, done with names for now. Next, spellcheck. (Wince.) After that, next section goes to Team Jordan.


    David Redbord and Nicholas Votrobeck, if you look closely at Towers of Midnight, you may find that your names appear.


    By the way, Maura Tirasso and Reo Meyer, I just used your names in Towers of Midnight.


    Miguel Barriga, Michael Lashia Yang, Pingtjin Thum, Rebecca Joseph. All in Towers of Midnight. Two of you have been eaten by Trollocs. Sorry about that.


    Rick Proska [Proska Flats in Saldaea], Robb Kremer [Kremer Road in Saldaea], Shannon Berndtson, Sharon Mettler, [?] I used your names. (Or a variation of them.)


    Andrej Gadzo: Tai'shar Malkier.


    Rosalia O'Reilly, practice your weaves.


    Also, in case you're thinking I'm naming a lot of names, remember—each new WoT book has added (on average) around 200 named characters.


    Oh, and Karen Clarke and Lisa Sommerfeld, you are spear sisters. Congrats.


    Michael Cuellar, you are in Towers of Midnight.


    Michael Trostler, hope you look good in a black coat.


    Jonathan Hamm, get yourself a black coat too.


    Eric Boettger, you are in Towers of Midnight.


    Heidi Soderquist, welcome to Towers of Midnight.


    Joshua Turner, you're in Towers of Midnight. Found a person I forgot to name.


    Robert Soelter, your name just went into Towers of Midnight.


    Martin Bergman, you are in Towers of Midnight.


    Bryce Koronko, I named a game of dice in Towers of Midnight after you.


    Christopher McClintock, you are in the Band of the Red Hand.


    Landon Williams, Bryan Kralle you both just got entered as last-minute substitutions in Towers of Midnight for terrible names I'd made up and didn't like.


    Just realized that, amusingly, I gave a name to an extant, unnamed WoT character. Therefore, I retconned a WoT fan into an earlier book.


    Robert Jordan often picked names for the WoT based on names in our world. I didn't do this in The Gathering Storm, and it felt wrong.


    He did it because the WoT world is our world, in another time. Thom, Mat, Elayne, etc. My names were immersion-breaking.


    This is working much better, trust me. They will all be changed to fit the world.


    What's this? Someone in the draft I forgot to name? (I often mark these with a *** mark, indicating I'll name them later.) Well, well.


    Myles Harvell, you are in Towers of Midnight.


    Well, look at this. One last person in the epilogue I forgot to name. Glenn Bergevin. You're in. 7% cut from the scene you are in.


    Norm Miller, a cook needed a name. You're in.


    William Klock, I needed another name.


    Steven Lussenburg [?] and Edward Givens, found a couple of final unnamed people. Really thought I'd filled those in. They are now you.


  • 22

    Interview: Aug 31st, 2011

    Reddit AMA 2011 (Verbatim)

    davebrk ()

    I saw in the thread advertising this IAMA that you offered Kaladin_Stormblessed to use his name as a character in your book. What do you think about doing (like other authors do) some sort of a donation drive where people will donate to a charity of your choice in return for having their name as a character in your books?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I do it frequently. I think it's a good way to give readers what they want, and to also do a good thing. And there is a very long, grand tradition of it in sf/f. It's hard to take some 'I'm an artist and won't do that kind of thing' stance when a large number of the grand masters of the genre did it.


  • 23

    Interview: 2010

    Nicholas Freeburn (13 December 2011)

    You are cheapening a former collection of masterpieces with your "get your name in a book" competitions. Lost all respect.

    Brandon Sanderson (13 December 2011)

    I would feel worse about it if Robert Jordan hadn't done it too. And GRRM. And Stephen King. And Asimov. And Anne McCaffrey...


    Did those authors auction off naming rights, though? They've all Tuckerized friends/family, but that's not the same thing.


    Many of them did them as charity auctions at various conventions, I believe. It has a long tradition at sf cons.


    I tried to list only people who had specifically put in fans, not just people they know.


    RJ did it in a pretty limited way, though. That's why I defended it at first, but IMO it was a little gratuitous in Towers of Midnight.


    What do you mean, limited? Pretty much every name Jordan used was adapted or straight lifted from our modern world or mythology.


    I was specifically talking about fan names. Even fan names don't bother me so long as they're smooth as the parallels all are...


    ...but in Towers of Midnight, there were names dropped in when it seemed there was no practical purpose to name the characters in question.


    Like, the characters showed up, got named, went away, and never came back. For example...


    "Two Maidens—Surial and Lerian—guarded the open doorway to the hallway..." and another example (cont)...


    "They stepped through the gateway into a small alley, guarded by two Maidens—Lerian and Heidia..." In cases like that...

    TEREZ seems like name-dropping for the sake of it. Though I'm sure the effect is exacerbated for those in the know.


    RJ named a ton of characters with no practical purpose who never showed up again. Brandon's intent was to follow that practice.


    Sure, but RJ also had a ton of unnamed characters, and IMO didn't name them awkwardly like those two examples I gave.


    I'm not sure if you noticed, but there was a lot of discussion about this after Towers of Midnight came out. Many people noticed it.


    I didn't notice the discussion, and those examples don't look at all awkward. But it wouldn't surprise me If RJ did a better job.


    Brandon also has plenty of unnamed characters. I'm just saying RJ's use of random named characters wasn't particularly limited. [And of course, no one ever said that it was. His use of fan names was limited.]


    The reason why they're awkward is became the naming of the characters is a sideline to what's actually going on, rather than...


    ...serving a purpose in the narrative. It's a subtle difference, that could be easily solved with a tiny bit of effort. (IMO)


    Seems to me RJ had a lot of named characters with no particular narrative purpose. Others may have a different impression.


    You misunderstand me. Characters can have all ranges of purpose. That's not a problem. But how is the name worked in?


    No, I understand you just fine.


    But in any case, there's no point being defensive about it. Either the criticism is important to Brandon or it isn't. *shrug*


    I suggest that the names stuck out more when Brandon did it than when RJ did it largely because readers knew what Brandon was doing...


    ...whereas the writing process was much more of a black box for RJ.


    Didn't I already suggest that? But again, it could easily be smoother with a little effort.


    And that's a difference Brandon is fine with. Other things he tries to do more like RJ but doesn't quite because he's not RJ.


    Yes, we're aware that Brandon is fine with this difference. Sometimes it's best to err on the side of caution, when possible.


    And as I said, the examples you gave look smooth enough to me.


    Yes, but you defend nearly everything Brandon does. We're talking about something that bothered several fans, not just me.


    Again, either the criticism matters, or it doesn't.


    "could easily be smoother with a little effort" is very easy for a non-writer to say.


    Something very easy to demonstrate, even for someone who doesn't write much. (I do write some, by the way.)


    If it's too difficult to make smoother, then just don't name the characters it's not necessary. If the best you can do is...


    ...throw the names in a parenthetical, then perhaps the characters simply don't need to be named.


    So you're saying RJ never threw names in a parenthetical. That may be.


    I don't mean to defend for the sake of defending, but when someone complains about something Brandon does that RJ did, it's irksome.


    I understand. I wasn't even trying to compare to RJ, except the quantity of fan names used. I felt like it was quantity...


    ...that led to situations like the two examples I gave. A desire to fit in more fan names.


    The word "irksome" is that often used in daily English or a more history/fantasy word used in such lit? (work related inj)


    It's a fairly common word.


    For the most part I'd say Brandon is only naming characters he thinks RJ would have named. Not to fit in fan names just to fit in.


    He goes to the list only when he needs a name. He doesn't pick out names first and then try to fit them in somewhere.


    Except for the top auction winners of course.


    I find it hard to see how names were needed in those two places.


    If he thinks RJ would have named them, then that counts as "needed."


    Even in later drafts sometimes Maria or Harriet would say "give this character a name" when Brandon hadn't already.


    Some people complained about names Brandon made up in The Gathering Storm. You can't please everyone. :)


    You can't please everyone, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to do the best you can. Especially when you constantly...


    ...go out of your way to reassure fans that it is important to you to uphold this legacy. Small details do matter.


    That line is often used when you're doing something that will please some and upset others. This isn't such a case.


    Yup. Giving random characters names is a small detail that matters to Brandon because it mattered to RJ.


    I'm not complaining about giving random characters names. You keep trying to paint it that way, though. Why?


    You keep trying to paint this as something RJ didn't do. Why? Maybe you can prove he didn't name characters in parentheticals.


    I think the way Brandon is doing it is fine and basically the same as the way RJ did it. You disagree.


    Did you just ask me to prove a negative? Really? LOL. Maybe you can find an example where he did the same thing.


    It's not worth it to me to try that.


    If you're wondering why some fans are getting increasingly frustrated with this process, then this is why.


    We have bent over backward to be supportive of Brandon in cases where our support was dubious. But the minute we have...


    ...a criticism of any sort, we get defensiveness. Not 'filed, taken into consideration'. But 'you're imagining things'.


    And yes, this [re: Peter's last tweet] is becoming increasingly clear as well.


    You see this as a much bigger deal than me, clearly.


    WoT? Clearly. This issue? Worth a tweet to Brandon in the hopes that he will take it into consideration.


    This issue. And maybe he will.


    I think we can just concede that the author has the freedom to do what he pleases with the naming of characters?


    I think everyone is aware that Brandon has that freedom. That's not the point.


    Terez27's avatar does say "Serious Business"—are you surprised she'd see it as a bigger deal? lol


    Good point.


    In my mind it's still something where Brandon is doing pretty much what RJ did.


    It's not my job to go through every paragraph in the series to try to prove that.


    No one ever said it was. Apparently it's your job to get defensive, though. Or is it? Next time, just make a note of it.


    It sounds like you only want a non-response to anything brought up. "filed, taken into consideration" is a non-response.


    It can be. If the issue isn't important to you/Brandon, I'd rather a non-response than a pointless argument.


    I don't think that saying "This is basically what RJ did" is defensiveness. My first tweet to you just asked for clarification.


    Yes, and I clarified, and you dismissed my clarification as irrelevant. Instantly.


    Once I got the clarification I gave the "this is basically what RJ did" answer.


    It takes two to make a pointless argument. I guess you're saying if I think something isn't important, I should say nothing.


    I apologize to the folks who follow both me and @PeterAhlstrom. Done spamming your feed now. ;)


    I'm sure it would have been a much different conversation in person. Twitter strikes again.


    That's fine. Made my walk with the dog a lot more interesting!


    Don't you need to watch your step when you do that, instead of watching your phone?


    I posed the "irksome-question" to let you know (in a subtle way, I hope) that people were "listening" out here.


    heh, I was well aware from the beginning, and I'm sure Peter was as well.


    Next time you can just say "Get a room, you two!" ;)


    I thought some of RJ's were fairly obvious. Paitr Conl, Jac, Bili, Joslyn, Jaim, Dannil, and 5 spellings of Alice.


    Ya, though in this case the adapted forms weren't what the discussion was about. Some people have complained about those though.


    [re: this tweet] I don't think he's saying that... Think he just doesn't see it the way other readers evidently do.


    I do think Reader Response is the most relevant type of literary criticism.


    Definitely. But felt that whole argument was a big misunderstanding. Felt bad.


    More like a difference of opinion on a very minor issue.


    This isn't a minor issue because a very large number of fans have a serious problem with the auction just on principle—Brandon responds to some of them every now and then on Twitter (such as the guy who started this conversation; I didn't @ him in my response to Brandon for a reason), and Brandon's responses are included here—because it favors fans who have more money (the more you donate, the greater your chance of being chosen, though the minimum is a small amount). When you have an issue that is already touchy like that, you have to be careful in how you handle it. Luckers and I were among Brandon's biggest defenders when he announced the name contest for Towers of Midnight. We pointed out Guybon before Brandon did. The complaints were even louder after the book came out, and at that point, the choice was much more difficult to defend. This type of usage is also a big disappointment to those whose names were chosen; they thought they'd won something exciting, but they're written in such a way that makes their names seem an afterthought. I doubt anyone expected to be a major character, but a little smoothing would have gone a long way.


    I do apologize for coming off that way. It's really not my intent. Criticism is important to feel free to share.


    Specifically I personally give your comments a lot of weight because I know you know your stuff.


    Thanks. We know that Brandon has a tough job, and an awkward situation at best. But it's awkward for us too, in many ways.


    It's a little difficult to be someone who knows more about WoT than the guy who is writing it, aside from the secret stuff...


    ...and to have to watch it all unfold from a rather passive position. I'm sure you understand. ;)


    Point taken.


    Chuckles, you can say that knowing about Terez's "Gawyn will kill Rand with Callandor theory"? Poke-poke.... ;o) [Not sure where Felix got the Callandor bit from.]


    Theories and a thorough working knowledge of what's actually in the books are separate things.


    Note that in many of these cases, Harriet said to me "What are their names?" when I just wrote "Two Maidens."


    Harriet always pushes me to be more specific. You'll find it in The Gathering Storm too, where I wasn't using fan names.


    Yeah, I understand that much—and sometimes, it works. I imagine that not all examples of Harriet asking...


    ...for such ended up with examples like I gave, where the names are thrown in parenthetically.


    In the fan criticism I mentioned earlier, these cases were always the ones fans noticed. Even at DM...


    ...where the subject comes up every two weeks in a new thread, mentioned by different new users. [I should have said 'came up', because I was thinking about the period of a few months after the book came out, not recently. Also, crosstalk after this because Peter types faster than me so I was unprepared for the more stately tweeter, Brandon.]


    The examples you gave—though I only looked briefly—could have certainly been done better.


    Probably, they should have just been "*** and *** went and did such and such" rather than the parenthetical.


    Right, something along those lines. And again, those of us 'in the know' were probably bothered more by it.


    That's more of a prose issue than anything else, though—an area where RJ was very strong and I'm relatively weak.


    Yes, I've noticed you have mentioned that before. Which is why I thought it worth a tweet. :)


    We'll try to keep an eye on the issue. We should have more time on A Memory of Light than we did on Towers of Midnight for polishing.


    I don't *Think* we'll have a 'shoehorn in fan names' issue, since I have just left placeholders for names I need.


    Every one of them is a name I'd have had to make up, but instead, I'll adapt a fan name.


    Still, it's worth a look-over specifically for this issue.


    Oh great. Now that Brandon responded, how much do I need to put in the Twitter archive post?! >_<


    LOL. See, we share this burden. It should create a bond between us! And if you want to skip it I'll cover it. You can link ;)


    Nah. I think there's a good splitting point I can use to keep it relevant to Brandon's reply. You can include whatever though. :)


    Before you can link you both have to reach/open yourself for saidin/saidar. And who will control the weaves? ;)


    I said 'bond', not 'link'. And I wasn't talking about the Warder bond either. ;)


    Really look at the earlier tweet here then. You typed bond in a previous tweet also.


    I meant link to the website. *sigh*


    I know, but the best work was when men and women worked together with the power of the WoT ;)


    The fan names never hugely bothered me, but I do agree with Terez that they are noticeable.


    I think because they feel more like blank spaces in the narrative than colouring in the scene by...


    ... Naming those present.


    I'm somewhat more troubled by the treatment of fan criticism. This is about the fifth time I've...


    ...seen you do this Peter, with the same line: 'It's a problem in reader appreciation, not the writing.'


    And not everyone has Terez's tenacity or confidence, and thus allow themselves to be silenced.


    And given I've seen you both cite the value of the lack of fan criticism in judging Brandon's efforts...


    ...yeah...It's a little disconcerting.


    Maybe I should back off.


    I think Brandon has recognized it, by responding. And we have played the silencers before, haven't we?


    Peter is in a tough spot. I can easily say, "Yeah, I did a poor job on that one. I'll watch for it."


    Peter, however, doesn't want to put words in my mouth, or apologize for me.


    Instead, he seeks to defend me, since he knows I won't see most people's posts or be able to respond.


    It may surprise you, but we felt the same way after the release of The Gathering Storm, despite not being fans.


    I empathise, I just don't sympathise. Not after the way you've both held up a lack of fan [criticism]...

    LUCKERS validation for your work on the Wheel. It's a circle, the lack of criticism held up as proof...


    ...whilst the act of criticism is met with sweeping dismissal that most would never argue.


    Point taken as well.


    Makes me curious which criticisms you're referring to. I wouldn't mind if you emailed them to me.


    So I can be aware of which ones the fans feel we aren't listening to.


    Will do. :)


    I think both Luckers and I have really tried to strike a balance over these last few years between...


    ...defense for the sake of support and criticism for the sake of criticism. I will email you.


    (In other words, most fan response seems to fall under one of the two categories.)


    I will admit most things I care about aren't things most fans would care about. Maybe scholars.


    But that's assuming scholars ever take an interest in the WoT. ;)


    Terez seems a little full of herself and I resent the fact that she seems to think she speaks for all fans.


    Most fans love the books for what they are & don't pick them apart to show off.


    [hours later, after a nap] Who ever said anything about me speaking for all fans? Now you sound like the guy who said he 'lost all respect'...


    We're aware that most fans don't give a shit about the fine details. I never claimed to be most fans.


    These kind of criticisms I find ridiculous and over the top—Guess I'm just too casual.


    It's only ridiculous and over the top when it turns into a stupid argument.


    I woke up on the wrong side of Twitter today. Sorry about that.

    (Months Later)

    TEREZ (30 May 2012)

    "Even he—Jori, bonded to Morvrin—managed it." #wotrr (Lord of Chaos Chapter 29, p2) For @PeterAhlstrom. ;)


    Remind me what brought it up.


    I favorited his tweet, and moved on.


  • 24

    Interview: Jan, 2012

    Karasi (

    I just wanted to say ... I like how the main characters are named Wax and Wayne.

    Brandon Sanderson (

    Thanks. In all honesty, I was hesitant about the pun. I liked it, on one hand, but also worried that it was too goofy. By the time I tried changing the character names, however, they were too strongly cemented in my head, so changing them proved too difficult and I just left them as-is.


  • 25

    Interview: Apr 21st, 2012

    Matt Hatch

    Your chapter names are beautiful.

    Harriet McDougal

    Thank you.

    Matt Hatch

    Did Jim take an interest in them at all?

    Harriet McDougal

    Not really. He approved them all, and occasionally I'd come up dry, and he'd say, "I dunno." But I never did one without his looking at them.

    Matt Hatch

    Some of them have double and even triple meanings; Terez wants to know, did you always pick these out of the text, or did he sometimes go back and add extra layers of meaning?

    Harriet McDougal

    No, no he never did that. Titles came after everything was written.

    Matt Hatch

    Or are we just imagining these extra layers completely?

    Harriet McDougal

    Possible. I don't know which ones she's talking about.


  • 26

    Interview: 2012

    Brandon Sanderson (16 May 2012)

    I'm sorry I don't have more specific WoT posts for you—I know that Harriet prefers me to be more closed-mouthed. However...

    Brandon Sanderson

    Maria from Team Jordan has finished her revision notes for the entire book, as has Harriet herself. So we're only waiting on Alan's notes.

    Brandon Sanderson

    As he's playing "Great Captain" for me on A Memory of Light, his notes are vital—and he needs to be detailed. When I get them, I can finish revising.

    Roberto Sánze

    Sooooo...there might be a sooner release date than the current for January?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is possible, but I don't know how likely.

    Roberto Sánze

    Darn, I need to haste to be ready for A Memory of Light once it releases. Is there gonna be a ebook version along with the physical book?

    Brandon Sanderson

    (Winces.) Harriet has a distrust of ebooks; she prefers to delay the release. It is her call. (Ebook is a few months later.)


    Do we have chapter names yet? Or do you know how many chapters there will be? Or is that a secret?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No chapter names yet, as it won't be until this draft is finished that I settle on the number of chapters. Some are being combined.

    Mark Prybyla

    I'm truly hoping this book is 1/3 battles/fights.

    Brandon Sanderson

    More than 1/3, I'd say...

    Daniel Shepard

    Forgive me for not understanding, but what does this mean? Release date's not going to change, is it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Probably not. It's just a progress update, so people know things are still moving behind-the-scenes.

    Richard Collett

    How's The Stormlight Archive coming? I need more.

    Brandon Sanderson

    A Memory of Light comes first. I will get to the next Stormlight book soon, but not until A Memory of Light is done to my satisfaction.


    Yosun Erdemli

    So this means we will be reading the final volume sooner than first announced?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is possible, but I don't know how likely. I still need to do two drafts, I feel. Then there are beta reads, then proofreads, then we need at least two months to get the books printed and shipped.

    Adam Sloan

    What does it take to be one of the beta readers?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Be one of the major members of fandom for years, and personally know Harriet. (Sorry.)


  • 27

    Interview: Aug 8th, 2009

    WorldCon 2009 - Dom (Paraphrased)


    Brandon Sanderson

    About Harriet, Brandon revealed that not only did she provide most of the chapter titles and decide on the icons and maps (which we already knew) but she is also the one who handled the titles for most of the books. So those multi-layered titles that fit the main themes of each book and the opening quotes so well, or bring back metaphors or details from earlier books are actually hers, not RJ. Exceptionally, he's the one who came up with A Memory of Light for the last book as he was working on it. Normally it's Harriet who came up with a title after reading the full manuscript.


  • 28

    Interview: Oct 18th, 2004

    Brandon Sanderson (Chapter 1)

    There are a couple of interesting things about this chapter. First off, it didn't originally start with Raoden waking up. When I first wrote the book, I threw Raoden directly into the city, line one. That original line was: "It wasn't until Raoden heard the gate swing closed behind him, booming with a shocking sound of finality, that he realized he had been damned."

    While this line worked pretty well, I found I had to do an extended flashback showing him waking up and frightening the maid, etc. In the end, I realized that this was a bulky construction that didn't really speed the novel up—but rather slowed it down. So, I rewrote the first scene to have Raoden waking up, seeing Elantris, and then realizing he'd been taken by the Shaod.

    My books tend to have what are called 'steep learning curves.' In other words, they take a little getting used to. Fantasy in general has a steep learning curve, and I don't tend to write very standard fantasies—I like to push the genre a little bit, introducing strange settings and irregular magic systems. Because of this, I have to be very careful at the beginnings of my books not to overwhelm the reader. This book was a good example—taking it a little easier, giving the reader a more cautious ease into Elantris, proved the better route.

    Happily, I eventually managed to preserve the original line with its catchy feel. I don't usually do things like this—I don't believe in the standard 'hook' idea. However, when I was thinking about this book, the first lines of the first three chapters were some of the first things that occurred to me. These three lines became the foundation for how I characterized the separate viewpoints, and they were part of what drew me to writing the book in the first place. If you go through and read them, I think they each have a little bit of zip, and hopefully invoke a sense of curiosity. These three lines introduce each character and one of their primary conflicts, and do it in a simple, clear way.

    Maintaining this feel with the new first scene was important to me, even though it could be argued that the first line of chapter one is a bit of POV error. I'm revealing information that the viewpoint character doesn't yet know. I avoid these, but in this case, I felt that cohesion was more important than strict POV, right here.

    I also did a second massive cut just after Raoden was thrown into the city. If you read the earlier draft, you'll see that he struggles with what has happened to him a bit more. There's even a brief section where he thinks about Ien and some of the Seon's words of wisdom. I cut these sections because they just slowed the book too much. I figured Raoden's shorter soul-searching at the beginning, where he quickly comes to the decision to 'look damnation in the face,' helped the story move along. Again, I worry about my beginnings—perhaps too much—because they have a history of dragging just a bit. By pushing Raoden into walking through the city, I kept the pacing up.

    Everything else in this chapter pretty much stayed the same. In the original draft, Galladon was actually named Galerion. I made the change because the name 'Galerion' just didn't fit the eventual linguistic style I devised for Duladel. Again, I didn't do as much planning for this book as I now for books I write now, and I just kind of let the names and cultures develop as I wrote. In the end, Galerion's culture out-developed his name. I figured that the main Dula in the book needed to have a Dula-sounding name. Interestingly, Moshe—my editor—independently decided that he really didn't like Galerion's name. When I made the suggested change, he was very pleased. Originally, he didn't like Raoden's name either—but this came, mostly, because he had trouble pronouncing it. I actually really like the name, but understand that it can be difficult if you don't understand the Aonic language. Remember—two hard vowel sounds formed by the Aon, every other vowel is soft. RAY-OH-den. (Read the pronunciation guide for more.)

    Galladon/Galerion originally spoke with a much stronger dialect in this chapter. However, these dribbled off after the first few chapters, and I decided I didn't want him to be quite as difficult to understand. So, I went back and cut them. You'll notice, however, that Galladon still hits the dialect pretty hard in this first chapter.


  • 29

    Interview: Oct 18th, 2004

    Brandon Sanderson

    Seolin is an interesting character to me. Not because he really does anything distinctive—but because of how he developed. His name was "Saorn" in the original draft, by the way. I think I changed this because it was too close to "Daorn." People also confused it with Shaod. I'm not certain if the new one fixes that problem, but it does feel a little more distinctive to me.

    Regardless, Seolin is one of those characters who grew out of nothing to have a strangely large part in the plot. Again, I realize that he's not all that original as a character. However, his dedication—and the way Raoden came to rely on him—wasn't something I intended when planning the book. While I don't believe in the whole 'Books surprise their authors' concept, I do enjoy the discovery of writing. Seolin is one of the characters 'discovered' in this way, and I am very pleased with him.


  • 30

    Interview: Jul 29th, 2006

    Brandon Sanderson

    Dockson, by the way, got his nickname before his real name. I wanted to call a character Dox, for some odd reason. The name just came into my head and stuck. And, I figured that this book would be one where everyone would have nicknames, so I started playing around with Dox until I got Dockson to be the main name.

    Of course, because of that, I established that 'son' could end names. Therefore, we get other names in this linguistic paradigm—such Ferson in the second book, or Franson in book three. (Both of those names came from friends of mine.)


  • 31

    Interview: Jul 29th, 2006

    Brandon Sanderson (Chapter 13)

    Apparently, both the names "Elend" and "Straff" are words in German. I certainly didn't intend that, though I did try to make the names have a similar feel, since they're father and son. It's funny how often we fantasy writers come up with words that actually mean something in another language.


  • 32

    Interview: Jul 9th, 2012

    Phillip Carroll

    But here are the questions that I asked my buddies to send in here. My daughter actually—I'll ask her question first in case we run out of time—Waxillian? Why Waxillian?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, that's a great question. The thing about Waxillian's name is, a lot of people don't like it. I actually love it, but that happens a lot in my books; I'll do something I love that I kind of know other people are going to be annoyed by. The Wax books came, I was designing the books, I was figuring the characters, and the pun Wax and Wayne struck me, and I thought, "I can't do that; that's too lame a pun." But the characters adopted those name before I could even do anything about it, and I actually tried changing the names, and it didn't work. You know how sometimes, organically, it just happens, and you're like, "I gotta go with this." And so I didn't want to actually just named them Wax and Wayne; I wanted Wax to be short for something, and it fits very well into the Mistborn universe, because all the characters tend to have nicknames that—you know, there was Clubs and Ham and Breeze in the last series—and I wanted a name that fit with that, and so Wax worked really well, but I wanted it to be short for something, and so I started looking at period names, things like William that worked and I actually ended up picking Waxillian because it also has a metallurgic sound and I figured names in this culture in the Mistborn world where metals are so important to the magic, you might have people named after metals; you might have names that sound like metals intentionally because of that resonance. At the end of the day I just really ended up liking it. It is a bizarre name.

    Phillip Carroll

    Thank you.


  • 33

    Interview: Jan 7th, 2013


    You have a tendency to break the fourth wall at times in your WOT writing. How did you come to this choice as it's not a technique that Robert Jordan used? How have Team Jordan and fans of the series reacted to this?

    Brandon Sanderson

    My answer is that I disagree with you. I don't think any of those things break the fourth wall. Robert Jordan put fan names in the books; he named things in the books after streets in his hometown; he named characters after people he knew. That's how he wrote these books, and it's how I've written all of my books. It's just how you get inspired as a writer. With Roedran, I honestly think that's what Rand would think and say; it's what he would come up with. It's one of the big theories I felt was really what Rand would consider in-world. So I just have to disagree with you; I don't think that any of this is breaking the fourth wall.


  • 34

    Interview: 2013

    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Kristi Deming (12 January 2013)

    Any chance of finding out what "Bao" or "The Wyld" mean since we have no glossary?

    Brandon Sanderson (12 January 2013)

    Both are a reference to Beowulf, and I meant the Wyld to mean "predator" or, in more common tongue, he who will kill the dragon.


    The name "Bao" also came from Bao Pham, a fan who has worked (along with Jimmy Liang, blademaster "Jaim" of The Yearly Brawl) teaching sword forms for JordanCon and the WoT track at DragonCon.


  • 35

    Interview: Jan 9th, 2013


    In a charity drive, a lot of people were chosen to have their names inserted into A Memory of Light; specifically, we were told a large group would consist of these people. Who are they in the book?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Dragonsworn. Aes Sedai have joined this group, and many others. That's where they were added.


  • 36

    Interview: Jan 11th, 2013


    Will anything be done specially for those who won the contest to have their names in the book?

    Brandon Sanderson

    In The Gathering Storm, many fans stated that the names felt off, and Brandon agreed. Robert Jordan's character names were inspired by the real world, such as Ogier St. in Charleston, his stove, medications he was taking, etc. There had been a fundraiser for one person to have his name included in one of the books, and that was being continued. Brandon decided to increase this, and put many people in the final two books. The short answer: Nope, the name in the book is the something special.

    (Note: Later, I happened to be sitting up front when the person who asked this question came to the front, with his wife and an absolutely adorable two-year-old little girl. Turns out, he had his daughter's name placed in the book instead of his own. Brandon signed the book at the place where she was mentioned.)


  • 37

    Interview: Jan 9th, 2013


    Did you insert a character based on yourself in the books like you did with fans?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Let me answer that in reverse. The whole fan name thing, where it came from is, I wrote the first book, The Gathering Storm, and I got several notes from Maria that said, "You know, a lot of your names don't feel right. They don't feel like Wheel of Time names." And it was one of the areas that, fans noticed it too when the book came out. I named people like I name people, and so for Towers of Midnight, I felt, "I need to radically change the way I name. I need to use Robert Jordan's methods." So while talking to Maria and Harriet, Harriet told me this wonderful story think he named someone after...(to Harriet)...a washing machine, was it? You remember you said, like there's a little name on one of the washing machines...was it you?

    Harriet McDougal

    The stove.

    Maria Simons

    The stove is a Jenn Air, and every time I looked at it, I would think of the Jenn Aiel. [laughter]

    Harriet McDougal

    And at one point I was taking allergy medicine, and whoever considered Corianin's surname—Seldane?

    Brandon Sanderson

    And there's an Ogier St. in Charleston. And beyond that, Robert Jordan was naming a lot of characters in the books off of mythological figures, with some twists. And so I felt—I actually said, "I'm going to grab a phone book, and I'm just going to go looking for names and try and tweak those names to start naming in the Wheel of Time." And when I did that, I stopped and thought, "Wait a minute. I had a list of names; it's in the list of the names of the fans who were part of this one charity drive we did." So I just started grabbing their names; that's as random as the phone book for me, and that's where the naming [characters] after fans thing came from. It was me forcing myself to try and do something different in the way that I'd been naming.

    Now, back to the original question, did I name anything after myself: Actually, there's a cameo by Robert Jordan in the books, of Robert Jordan. Do you guys know what it is? If you know, raise your hands. If you don't know...most of you do know? No, most of you don't know. There is a statue of Robert Jordan in the books. It is discovered among the ter'angreal that were originally in Rhuidean, right? Rhuidean? No, Ebou Dar; that's right, it's the Ebou Dar cache. See, that's why I looked at Maria, and I'm like, "Where did they come from?" And there's a man that has the contents of many stories contained, and that was described to look like Robert Jordan.

    I gave myself a similar cameo to that, in that, one of the times when I was visiting Charleston, Wilson—who was Robert Jordan's cousin, and they were very dear friends, like siblings—was taking Robert Jordan's weapons collection, and figuring out what to do with, and he had so many weapons. [laughter] It was really awesome to go walking through his workshop, so to speak—where he'd work—and see all these weapons, and see all of the different versions of the ashandarei that he had, and you can just imagine him swinging them about and deciding how he was going to do this, and describing certain weapons. He had everything, and so he'd use it. And Wilson was doing this, and he said to me, "Brandon, go out there and pick one, anything you want. Go grab one." And so, I couldn't pass up an opportunity like that, stunned though I was, and I went out there and I found at the very back a katana with a scabbard that had a red-and-gold dragon on it, twisting around the scabbard. And I don't know if the idea for Rand's dragons came first, and then he bought the scabbard and the sword because it looked like that, or if that was part of the inspiration. I suspect it was the former, that he saw that and thought, "Wow, that's just like the..."

    But either way, I picked that one, and then I wrote that sword into the books, which you will find if you look around; that sword is mentioned. So that's my cameo, is I put my sword in. It now hangs on my wall, inside a case—my wife had it, got a case and a little plaque that says "Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time," underneath. And it hangs on my wall with Robert Jordan's birthdate underneath it.


  • 38

    Interview: Jan 9th, 2013


    That charity drive that you draw names from? Originally it was mentioned that they would be represented by a group, or army at the Last Battle. What group?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You will find them in there. They call them Dragonsworn. They are a group of unaligned Dragonsworn which include people who have just left their oaths behind and joined this group. There are Aes Sedai in there; there are Aiel in there; there are people from all around, and that group represents the fandom. They just call themselves the Dragonsworn.


  • 39

    Interview: 2013

    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Neil Tweed (23 January 2013)

    Selfish question: could you tell me whereabouts you used my name in A Memory of Light please. You used it to name a wood!

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Oh, boy. That's on a Google Doc somewhere. Not sure if I can find it easily. Maybe an email would be better?


    Page 247, first full paragraph, Tween Forest.

    Neil Tweed

    Thanks Terez. Missed it on my read through.

    Neil Tweed

    FYI Brandon emailed me to say that Harriet changed it from Tweed Forest to Tween Forest as it made more sense—The In-between Forest.

    Amanda Wan

    Thanks for naming a Green Ajah Aes Sedai after me! (p 756)

    Brandon Sanderson

    My pleasure.


  • 40

    Interview: Jan 29th, 2013

    Brandon Sanderson

    As many of you know, I adapted a large number of readers' names for use in Towers of Midnight and A Memory of Light. Linda over at the 13th Depository has an article that lists all of the names that were chosen for characters and how they were adapted into the books, including some character names adapted by Robert Jordan in previous books. Note that I also adapted some people's names as place names and other non-character names, and the list doesn't include those. There will probably be another list later.

    Last Wednesday I did a Tor chat on Twitter. All of the questions I answered (the questions and my answers include a lot of spoilers, especially for A Memory of Light, so be warned!) are now up in these two Twitter post archives: one, two.


  • 41

    Interview: Feb 22nd, 2013


    The character Daruo, Deathwatch Guard in the scene where Mat and Tuon re-unite. Please tell me that could he be an Ogier?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, if you want him to be.


  • 42

    Interview: Mar 18th, 2013

    Harriet McDougal

    I also loved the ornaments. We worked with Matt Nielsen creating those. They were really good. The emblem that we used for the Blight is a tree, and I was trying to tell him what I needed. I said I wanted Arthur Rackham, and he said: "Who?" I said: "Well, okay, let's try and work on this."

    Irene Gallo

    He couldn't Google it at that point, either.

    Harriet McDougal

    No, but he did such a good job. The fans really caught onto them, thinking about their symbolism. "What do these ornaments mean?" They did, in fact, have a bit of a coded meaning. Lanfear's symbol means Lanfear is lurking in this chapter, even though she's not named.

    It was fun, working on those ornaments. From the beginning, I did most of the chapter titles, all but one or two each book. I was very proud when somebody told me, many years ago, that he saw a chapter titled "Footprints in Air" in the table of contents and that made him buy the book. Well, great, that's the idea.

    Irene Gallo

    Every piece of it counts. The whole package.

    Tom Doherty


    Harriet McDougal

    I really wanted to do something we hadn't followed through with: the Wheel of Time in front and back. Back in the twenties, there was a wonderful children's book with a bullet hole that ran through the whole book. It was by Johnny Gruelle, who later did Raggedy Ann and Andy. It was a wonderful thing. I would have loved a book that had the Snake Wheel in the front of the book, the big one, and one in the back of the book, so you could really hold them like that to reinforce "There are neither beginnings nor endings—"

    Tom Doherty

    "—in the Wheel of Time." Practically, to do that right you would have had to put it on the end papers. We had such nice end papers.

    Harriet McDougal

    Oh, yeah. Well, the map was more important.

    Tom Doherty



  • 43

    Interview: Feb 13th, 2013


    So, you already spoke to how daunting taking over the Wheel of Time is, and what an extensive series it is. One of the most impressive and interesting things to me in it is there's more than, I believe, 1700 named characters.

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, you already spoke to how daunting taking over the Wheel of Time is, and what an extensive series it is. One of the most impressive and interesting things to me in it is there's more than, I believe, 1700 named characters.

    Brandon Sanderson

    There's 2500.


    2500. That's even more than I thought.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's crazy.


    What is a fantasy author—since you can't just look in the phone book or something to grab a name—how do you find your inspiration for names for characters?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It really depends on the book I'm writing. For some of my books, I use interesting linguistic quirks that interest me. I've taken a number of linguistics classes, and so for instance, for Warbreaker I used just something simple like repeating consonant sounds, so we ended up with Vivenna and Susebron, to give a theme to some of the name. In Way of Kings, symmetry is holy, and so I use palindromes or one-letter-off palindromes as names, and that's where a lot of names came from in there.

    For Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan actually did look in the phonebook. The reason for this being is he wanted to harken to our world with the Wheel of Time, implying the Wheel of Time is perhaps our world in the future or in the past. And so he wanted names that felt like names of people you knew, but changed a little bit. And this is where things like "Thom" came from, spelled with an "H", or Mat, with you know, and all of this stuff.

    And so he would go through the phonebook looking for common names and tweak them. And so for Wheel of Time naming, I got lists of names. I just had fans' names, and I just used these names and tweaked them, in order to try and get the same style and feel of naming.

    One trick—if you're having trouble with this—that a lot of writers use, is they will pick a geographic area in our world, and they will base the names off of those geographic names. Like they'll say . . . I've used actually ancient Persian. I'm like, ancient Persian names, sure. And then I'll go and look at those and I will change them to fit my characters. But that way, everyone from the same region has a similar naming paradigm. So, there's all sorts of things that you can do.


    Thank you. That was the most informative explanation of naming I've heard.

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 44

    Interview: Sep 29th, 2013

    Lauren Zurchin

    [Tell us about] coming up with the names for the Epics.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It was really all right. I wouldn't say proud with regard to 'Steelheart', more ecstatic because I came up with the name very early on. And I'm like, "Oh, I hope no one has used this. I hope no one has used this." And then I went and looked and there were no major superheroes with that name listed on the various lists that I found. So I figure I'm pretty safe. But from going on there, finding names was really difficult. I wanted to do things that hadn't been used by any major Marvel or DC characters. And they have lots and lots and lots of characters—lots of them! And so, my instinct was if there's a Wikipedia article dedicated to this character, they're probably too big a character for me to use that name. And so, I spent most of the time either there, or there are resources on various fan sites that just list all the characters that I could search, just by names. And I would have a list of twelve names for a superhero or supervillain, and spend all this time trying to figure in, and all twelve would have been used, and I would have to go back to the drawing board and come up with twelve more, or something like that.


  • 45

    Interview: Mar 29th, 2014


    When Sazed

    Brandon Sanderson

    You do know that I've got a character in one of the books named Bowen? [Clarification: My name is Bowen. He said this while personalizing our books]



    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. He's actually been in the books so far, but not by name. He's one of the Worldhoppers. If you go look and talk to them they may have identified him, some people who have read.


    Thank you for naming a character after me!

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. I did it. He's from White Sand. I wrote the book in '98. Yeah, he's one of the Purelake guys.


    Is he Blunt?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, yeah. [...] (later) So yeah, Bowen, you'll have to see because when I redid the linguistics for the world, his name I think got changed. I think it's now Baon. But in the very first draft of the very first book I ever wrote his name was Bowen. And the reason I think I changed it - is because he's a bowman. And I'm like I can't name the bowman—the archer—Bowen. That's kinda dumb. But in my head he's still Bowen.


    Anyway, my question...


  • 46

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    What's his name, the one who sends the letter with pictures … Nazir?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, Nazh? Nazh… (he gives a longer name. Sounds like Nazreloft, obviously spelling uncertain)


    He's not in the list of …

    Brandon Sanderson

    He appears in one place in that book.


    Rock sounds Hawaiian, Hawaiian royalty. Is that a pun on Dwayne Johnson?

    Brandon Sanderson

    [Laughs] No, it's not. That's a coincidence.
