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Your search for the tag 'similes' yielded 1 results

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    Interview: Jan 24th, 2015


    Do you have a special way of coming up with your bad analogies?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Do I special way of coming up with bad analogies. Which are actually similes. So here’s the thing-- So /Steelheart/, I wrote /Steelheart/ in like 2008 or 2009, it was pretty early on, I had the idea-- I was touring for some book, I think-- I feel like it was /Warbreaker/ or /Mistborn/ 3, any way I was touring for one of these books and I get cut off in traffic, I get really mad at the person, and I imagine blowing up their car. I get horrified, like “If I had superpowers is this what I would do? Would I blow up cars of people who cut me off in traffic?” and I was like “OOh that’s a story”. So I went and wrote the prologue, like almost immediately, I think on that tour I wrote the prologue. I remember reading it at DragonCon that year, whenever year that was. Then I put the whole book aside and had to wait for like 5 years because I’m like “I’m working on /the Wheel of Time/ I have no time to write this other side project.” I was much better at that and not going crazy on side projects when I was doing that. When I finally got back to it I had this prologue-- The prologue was ten years before in-world time, like the character grew ten years between the prologue and chapter 1, so I was “Alright I need a voice for this character” and I started writing, doing my standard thing. I was having so much trouble coming up with a distinctive voice for David, the main character, and I accidentally wrote a bad metaphor. That happens a lot when you’re writing-- you just come across something and it’s a terrible analogy and you delete it, but here I said “Well what if I ran with that?” The fun thing is by coincidence that became a metaphor for his entire personality. He tries so hard, is very earnest, but sometimes he tries a little too hard, and looks beyond the mark, and stumbles a bit. And that is who he became as a character, and the bad metaphors are a great metaphor for that. Coming up with them now is really hard. Doing it on purpose is way harder than coming up with good metaphors. They are rough. Sometimes I’ll sit-- Like the most time I spend staring at the screen when working on these books is coming up with one of David’s metaphors.
