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Your search for the tag savantism yielded 3 results

  • 1

    Interview: Sep, 2012


    What benefit does an aluminum savant get? Yes, I know this would normally never happen because aluminum burns itself up. Suppose a mad scientist with a willing Mistborn test subject shoved a feeding tube down the Mistborn's throat to pump in a continuous stream of aluminum, replenishing it steadily so there's always a new unburned supply. Add another tube to pump out excess water if necessary. What would he discover? Alternatively, what would Sazed with his Shard-granted knowledge know?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ha, that IS a little silly of a method. However, on the extreme end of aluminum, I have in the notes the possibility of cleansing the spirit of unwanted effects of other investitures. You'd get really good at this, and maybe even be able to cleanse the body of other impurities.


  • 2

    Interview: Sep, 2012


    What about a Lerasium savant? Or would that require so much Lerasium that the person attempting it would ascend to become a new Shardholder?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Basically, this is what ascension is.


  • 3

    Interview: Jun 20th, 2009

    Andrew the Great

    What benefit does an aluminum savant get?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    (After a short period of laughing)

    Is it even possible to become an aluminum savant? You'd have to be burning aluminum consistently, and aluminum just kind of goes away in a burst.... After that, he discussed how being an aluminum Misting will likely be considered a handicap in the Mistborn RPG because you can't pick up other Allomantic abilities.
