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he Old Man

by Keith Wee: 1998-09-07 | Not yet rated

Before Winter's Heart - Archive Only: Is Olver Gaidal Cain?

Gaidal cain is the old man on the barrel.

He appeared about the time cain disappeared. He is used to carrying 2 swords on his back.

Why Olver cannot be cain:
Olver is eight years old and as cain appeared in tel aran rhiod in TSR and in FoH Elaine states that time cannot flow backwards in Tel'aran'rhoid this would be impossible.
Olver cannot be an illusion imposed on cain either as in FoH Graendal's illusion is said by SAMMAEL TO BE PRONE TO REVELATION BY A TOUCH.
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Tamyrlin: 1998-09-07

Now the Gaidal Cain, man on the barrel I haven't seen before. But how did he get to be an old man if he can't be a young boy?


Keith Wee: 1998-09-15

To answer your questionin reply to my conjecture: while it is not possible for Moggy to impose an illlusion of a boy on Cain, it is possible for her to:

a) throw him out of Tel'aran'rhiod

b) wipe out his memory like what was done to Carridin and make him think that he is and behave like an old man

c) set an illusion that conforms to his body or physical outline and only changes superficial details like the colour of his hair to white or grey and wrinkles on his skin.

And in addition:

a) RJ has Birgitte mention Cain as being always linked to her in TSR. Was this stated to indicate him being brought into the main storyline with Birgitte?

b) Knowing RJ's views and inclination towards love and romance always winning out in his writings, would he seperate B and C forever?

Apologies if my previous explanation was too short.


Tamyrlin: 1998-09-15

This makes more sense. I agree that if he was thrown out of Tel'aran'rhoid than it is definitely possible for him the be the old man on the barrel. So, you are saying that whoever knocked him out is having him watch over Carridin? Good question about how they are linked, would the wheel compensate in this situation if Gaidal was knocked into the real world, so then Birgitte is also? Hmmm, now that is a good hypothesis.


klue: 2011-01-07

I really like this theory, Jain Farstrider is Cain his soul having returned to T'A'R after being so heavily compulsed and back to the real world when he started to overcome it. Birgitte didn't like him at first. Now she has to go rescue him