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he Daughter of the Nine Moons

by Goldeneyes: 1998-11-04 | Not yet rated

Before Winter's Heart - Archive Only: Who is the Daughter of the Nine Moons?

Many people are too ready to believe that the DotNM is a Seanchan herself. I admit, it is a strong probablility that she is, but take into consideration my little "theory" .....

The DotNM is Berelain sur Paendrag. No, I'm not crazy, here's why, and a reason why she would not be DotNM. Her name, Berelain sure Paendrag, and her sigil, a hawk on a field of blue. Indicates possible relation ( as the Mayeners claim ) to Artur Hawkwing, Luthair Paendrag.... The name alone should cause quite a rucous amongst the Seanchan, either they will bow at hearing her name, or the will want to kill her for blaspheming Luthairs good name. In The Dragon Reborn, Moirane quotes an obscure Prophecy of the Dragon "He will bind the nine moons to serve him" And we then see In The Shadow Rising, Berelain throw herself at Rand, when that failes, she goes after Perrin (close friend to The Dragon Reborn) which will obviously fail, and that leaves Mat.... And remember, The Mayeners had the Redstone Ter'angreal for quite some time, is it not possible that in one of those "answers" they were told ( and maybe in more than one of those answers ) that in order for the world to survive, they had to Bind themselves to Tear and the Dragon Reborn. Why else would such a small city-state with so much money stay right there? So, I also thing That Robert Jordan ( May he Live Forever! hehe ) would not introduce an Important new character so late in the book. Yes ye! s, he introduced Shaidar Haran, and Moridin, and I'm sure that more will come. But characters Important to The Prophecies of the Dragon... thats my opinion anyway. Also, the Seanchan speak of the Daughter of the Nine Moons in a "prophetic" manner, meaning that they do not even know who she is.. Who better than a Direct descendant of Artur Hawkwing? ( ie Berelain sur Paendrag ) because it seems ( it is implied ) that through hard work, kissing ass, and being the best Seanchan you can be, that your "family" could quite possibly be raised to the "blood" well, that may be a bit shaky.. but thats my understanding. So, the one thing ( as I am sure that there are many others that I'm choosing to ignore ) that is going against my theory is Min's viewing that Berelain will fall head over heels for a man in white, which most people assume is Galad. But, if Mat is captured, and starts spouting the Old Tongue, he could be taken as a "side show" attraction, servant, or other, and be made t! o wear white, like the servants in their sheer gowns (which I assume are the palest white.. hehe.. imagine Mat, nearly naked.. He'd be furious! ) Now, something I just remembered, well It popped into my head, and I cant find My copy of THe Great Hunt, so this is based on memory and no quotes from the book. DIdnt Turok say something, I'm not sure if it was to Fain or not, about The Seanchan leaving "Watchers" to watch and wait for the Return? I mean, thats what Fain claimed he was, and with his memories, he faked it ( to the best of my memory -- I need to find the book! ) So, If there were to be "Watchers" left, could it not be plausible that Mayene, would be the Watchers? Hmmmmmm...... something to think on for the both of us... Luthair Paendrag -- Seanchan -- Blood -- Empress -- Daughter of the Nine Moons -- Return -- Watchers -- Berelain sur Paendrag Anyway, thats my theory!
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Tamyrlin: 1998-11-04

I have heard this idea before but not so well laid out. Berelain is surely not my favorite character so to give her some cool title and to marry Mat, I think it would piss me off. But truly I don't have anything against it because it is a possibility as you pointed out, although I am sticking with the Ath'an Miere.


Goldeneyes: 1999-03-22

I recently posted (and thank you for putting it on the WEB!) a theory on the Daughter of the Nine Moons ( Berelain sur Paendrag ) and with reading the Path of Daggers, I have a little to ad. Post it if you like, its no big deal, just an effort to convince you I'm right! :)

So, Berelain is traveling with Perrin and Faile. Faile got captured by Aiel ( Shaido Dogs! ) and Berelain got away. Perrin is meeting with Masema, who was/is reported to be meeting with the Seanchan. Why is he meeting? I dont care to speculate at this time. So, Berelain escaped, and will go to the city to inform Perrin, who will take Masema with him, and maybe some dragonsworn, and free her. Returning to the city for safety, Berelain, Perrin, and Faile will be there when a Seanchan happens to show up for Masema's "Talks" and somehow or another, Berelain, being the little sass that she is will name herself Berelain sur Paendrag. OHHHH!!! that does it, the Seanchan freaks, kneels, and takes off to tell the others.

Thats just one scenario, roughly plotted.. Basically I believe that one way or another, The Seanchan meeting with Masema will learn of Berelain, and the Daughter of The Nine Moons will be found. The group will then head towards Ebou Dar, that is where Mat is.. and more Seanchan.. , At the same time The Band of the Red Hand is heading there, and of course, Rand and his Maidens will probably head there to fight the Seanchan. WHat better place for all three to meet up than Ebou Dar? throw the Daughter of the Nine Moons in there, and we've got quite the little melting pot now dont we? Definitely though, Perrin goes to Ebou Dar, Rand goes to Ebou Dar, Mat is in Ebou Dar, The Band Goes to Ebou Dar, possibly even Aes Sedai go to Ebou Dar. It makes sense for Ebou Dar to be the "meeting" spot of all the ta'veren. Masema delivered to Rand ( and killed ) Probably hung by Rand for crimes against the people ( wouldnt that be the greatest! ) I could go on and on... Let me know what you think---- also...

Corlan Dashiva is the other *'rangar ( ar'angar? ) or whatever. If Taim is Demandred, then Dashiva is Aran'gar. why? Taim was suprised that Dashiva rebelled, and quite upset. Possibly aran'gar was given to Taim( Demandrad ) by the Dark One? Now Taim has to hunt down Dashiva and Kill him. But, why wouldnt Dashiva use Balefire against Rand? 1. to not burn him out, but he could have used weak balefire. 2. The Dark One took it from his memory ( which Im sure can be done, a-la Ishamael/Moridin who doesnt quite remember everything ) Also, Dashiva can fluently speak The Old Tongue, which so far only Mat can Do, and thats Ter'angreal related.

Ohhh ---- Mat ---- The Black Ajah took the ter'angreal from the white tower ( the interlinked dice ) from instructions from a forsaken, to keep Mat from getting it, because of some fortelling that It was needed to defeat the Dark One. But, Mat got the Dagger from Shadar Logoth, and was healed. A little hazy there, the snake people said that he sidestepped a thread of fate, whether it was getting the dagger and being healed, or failing to get the ter'angreal, the pattern adjusted to his loss by making him the Luckiest man In Randland. A bit jumbled, but most of my thoughts are. Enjoy!


Tamyrlin: 1999-03-22

We have made a star out of the Daughter of the Nine Moons:) Berelain, why would the Seanchan recognize her as the DNM? Atleast don't tell me you think that Berelain will become Queen of the Seanchan... But I do like how you put it that everyone will be returning to Ebou Dar...isn't Demandred supposed to be somewhere to the South, maybe we will meet up with him there. Goldeneyes...quite the creative thinking going on there, I like that, as always.