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ore on Taimandred

by Andrew: 2000-12-20 | 2 out of 10 (4 votes)

Previous Categories: Who is Demandred?

Winter's Heart seemed to go along with the Taim = Demandred thing
pretty well as far as I could tell. The only thing I found odd was that if
Demandred was posing as Taim he should have recognized Flinn at the end
of the book. Demandred does not know that Flinn is Asha'man until he
starts being channelled at and afterwards fails to mention that he recognizes the man. Maybe RJ didn't want to be too obvious or something, or maybe the whole thing is some sort of sick joke to keep us meddling readers second guessing ourselves. Either way, I'd say he's doing a good job. Any comments?
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Tamyrlin: 2000-12-20

Nope. Jordan points out in two spots that Taim is not Demandred. The first being in Far Madding when the Asha'man wonders why he received instructions from Taim and Demandred. Then when Demandred doesn't recognize way that would happen since, if I am not mistaken, Taim posted Flinn's name in the Black Tower as a traitor. Taim knows who he is therefore no more taimandred.


IkilledAsmodean: 2004-01-06

Not to mention the little fact of timing that everyone seems to forget/ignore.

Taim has been known to be running around for quite some time. A longer time than the Forsaken have been free.


Cha Faile: 2004-02-16

I think that RJ won't do what we all think he will do. It would be disappointing if he didn't come up with somehting more unexpected than Taimandred. I think that the great man might be able to come up with somethign more creative- besides if it is Taimandred we've all guessed it so that woudl be boring.right?