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yndane, Moraine, the Yellow Haired women

by Infiniti: 2000-12-20 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: The Mysterious Woman With Golden Hair

Well, after reading WH it is pretty clear that Cyndane is Lanfear. She is Lanfear with a new body and without as much strength in the power.

We know that she is not as strong as Lanfear becuase Demandred remembers Messansa saying "the girl is weaker than Lanfear"(WH 318). However, in the next sentence, " she spoke of al'Thor as Lews Therin as just as Lanfear had"(WH 318). With the combination of these two ideas, i thought she could be a combination of Moraine and Lanfear after the two had fallen throught the door. However, Moridin has a cage that holds her soul and how would he recive that if it was a combination of the two?

Obviously Lanfear made deals when she once she went through the doorway. This is illustrated when she says "the woman was stronger than Cyndane had been before the Aelfinn and the Eelfinn held her"(WH 649). This shows that Lanfear made a deal with the Aelfinn and the Eelfinn to be reicarnated. A good argument in favor of her being Lanfear also is the paragragh on page 641(WH).

So if we know that Cyndane is Lanfear, where is Moraine??? I have no idea, if anyone has some thoughts, please enlighten me.

My other question is, who is the "golden haired woman" or the "yellow-hair woman " that appears at the end of WH. There is a golden haired woman who fights Verin, and even though the golden haired woman channells, "no light shone around her" (WH 647). I thought that this could be the female "gar" but "she" has "waves of black hair"(WH 648). Now there is also a "yellowed hair woman" that cyndane fights. I thought that they could be the same women but they are described to be wearing diffent clothing. Also, "the light of saidar appeared"(WH 648}. This is in reference to the yellow-hair woman cyndane is fighting. We also know that this woman is probably not Aes sedai due to Cyndane's description(WH649)

So who are these women? Maybe one is Moraine? I doubt that, too easy. Other forsaken? Maybe, but I dont remember other "chosen" having golden or yellow hair.( None are described, in the forsaken esction, that way in TWoT). An Aiel wise woman? I dont think any are that strong in the power.(But Cyndane does believe the woman has an angreal) Maybe they are black ajah, but why would they fight against there "masters". Once again, Robert Jordan has given few answers, but many more questions.
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Tamyrlin: 2000-12-20

It was a thought that Moiraine is the golden haired women. She is walking through the forest and Verin sees her...and attacks the woman, she defends and attacks, masking her ability. Then Lanfear sees her and tries to attack her and is repulsed, because the woman is stronger but the woman does not have a Forsakens knowledge of using the OP and her weave gets cut and rebounds. What if Moiraine has a new body and this is her. Just a thought.


potatoman: 2002-11-07

I thought the yellow-haired woman was Graendal?


Tamyrlin: 2002-11-07

The problem with that is when Lanfear runs up against her, this mysterious woman, while powerful, was not completely knowledgeable about how to defend herself...Graendal wouldn't have been had so easily by Lanfear. It even confuses Lanfear. So I highly doubt it was Graendal.


pointyman: 2002-11-08

There are two different women. The first is definitely Graendal, as she is wearing her shimmering streith gown. This is the one that the circle Verin is in encounters. The second blonde haired women is the one that Cyndane comes up against. This is Alivia. She is "incongrously decked with gems". These are the ter'angreal that Nynaeve strips off and hands to Alivia before linking with Rand. Not to mention the fact that she is so strong, although one of the items of jewellery is an angreal.


Tamyrlin: 2002-11-08

Okay, the dress thing is different, and that quote you gave would then make sense...damn, I thought we had someone new here, let me chew on this for a little bit. Thanks for pointing that out.


jason wolfbrother: 2002-11-08

The yellow-haired woman that Cyndane(Lanfear) fights is Alivia, the 400 year old damane that Nynaeve brought with her from Caemlyn. She knows alot of ways to kill with the Power but not much else. Also she is wearing all of Nynaeve's *'angreal's. As for the golden-haired woman wearing the color-changing dress, I think that she is Graendal wearing a streith dress and with her new angreal ring that she got from Sammael's cache. Why Verin can't see Saidar glowing around her or see the weaves, I think that first she is too far away and second Graendal is using inverted weaves. I'm not sure about that second one, but it seems strange that Jordan would throw a new Forsaken in to the battle that one, we hadn't seen before, and second wasn't at the meeting to know to be there at the battle.


Spunkies: 2003-01-12

Maybe the golden haired woman is Mordeth? I doubt he'd have much of a problem with looking like a woman. It would explain not seeing the weaves or the glow of saidar, because he is using the True Power. Don't know but could be fun.


Callandor: 2003-01-12

Mordeth can't channel. He was a person that turned Shadar Logoth into what it is today. And is now in some part with Fain. However MORIDIN can channel and is Nae Blis. However the yellowed haired women is Alivia.


Graendalboytoy: 2003-02-10

Alivia was the yellow haired woman. After the battle Alivia is "staring in wonder and flexing the arm that had broken as well as seared to the bone" Cyndane/Lanfear used weaves of fire against the woman she battled. Alivia was the only one on Rand's side traveling about alone, and had all the jewelry on that Cyndane mentioned seeing. Also, Lanfear sees line about eyes of her opponent,just like in Alivias description. I thought this one was a no-brainer by the way.


araqyl: 2003-04-30

Verin may not have noticed Saidar because it wasn't there - to defend the Taint, surely the DO wouldn't mind his Chosen using the TP?


Seeker: 2003-06-18

Verin fought Greandal

Cyndane fought Alivia. Alivia had the ter angreal that busted webs. I know she's seanchan but I've always thought Alivia was a blonde correct me if I'm wrong


Mairashda: 2003-06-20

the seanchan do have various ethnic backgrounds; some of them are rather fair-skinned, others are dark as the sea-folk. the Seeker, p.e is yellow-haired -as is alivia.


Vander: 2003-09-30

as to the no light from saidar being because of the True Source to defend against the taint...the taint is from the male half of the source, females have no need of protection from it. and males dont have golden aura's or wahtever anyway. that and i believe i read that moridin is the only one that can use the TP now that hes Nae'blis?


Aviendha: 2003-10-15

I always thought it was Halima, but she has black hair hasn't she?

Anyway, I think Moiraine will come back as her self. But how is beyond me..


Rhodric: 2003-10-15

Halima is blonde and busty ;)


minorleaguer17: 2003-12-07

The reason there is no glow of saidar around Grendal, is there is a weave which hides the ability to channel from a woman, (Moghedien showed this weave to Elayne and Nynaeve in LoC).


IkilledAsmodean: 2004-01-06

That's right. She was hiding her ability, becuase if you recall, they only knew she was holding the power becuase the Ash'a'man felt it. And being that we've seen multiple Forsaken use it by now, it can be safely said.


lucyler1314: 2004-12-01

I had always believed this woman was Graendal, and I didn't even know there was a conflict about it until I read this thread. However, on the TOR website's question of the week, Jordan says in his newest answer that we did not see Graendal at this fight. So, who was the Yellow haired woman...I dunno, beats the crap outta' me.


Traveller: 2005-08-01

I absolutely agree with pointyman: There is nothing to hint that the first woman is any other than Graendal in her streith gown, and nothing to tell us that the second woman could be anyone other than Alivia with her ter'angreal.


mister molineux: 2008-08-04

I starting some wild speculation while reading this theory that centred around the question of why Morraine's return is so important to TG. It goes along the lines of Morraine as the catalyst for the return of hope. We know that the loss of hope is a recurring theme throughout the series, hope was betrayed at the beginning of the war of shadow, LTT seeks salvation for killing his wife (golden haired), Rand has lost hope and feels himself damned all represented through his list of women that he recites - topped of and symbolised by Morraine. The return of Morraine would therefore be a catalyst for the return of hope, whats in a name, but a 'memory of light'?.

To strengthen Morraine as a symbol of hope what if she were Ilyena reborn with this knowledge brought out with her time withs the finns, after all she did confront Lanfear the other woman from the dragons previous incarnation - thus granting salvation to LTT and Rand in one hit with some really strong emotional stuff, enabling a reassertion of faith within the dragon. We also know that the Dragon has some sort of mental link to the betrayer of Hope Moridin. therefore Morraines return could trigger a reverberation of hope to the source of its loss. As tWOT is essentially about the epic struggle of ideas of light vs shadow some of the most powerful weapons are those of ideologies, and Morraine returning the idea of hope would be a severe blow to the shadow.


Dovien: 2010-08-11

It seems to me that Elayne is the rebirth of Ilyena.