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ortal Stones Dissected

by penguindude: 2004-10-25 | 5 out of 10 (3 votes)

Previous Categories: Miscellaneous

Warning to the reader: This theory goes on for a while.


The purpose of this theory is to reexamine what information readers have been given about the Portal Stones and what the mysterious pillars will be used for in the future of the series. What we know of them leads to the idea that Randland has been (and possibly will be again) changed drastically through some form of alien intervention. I'm sure a lot of people who would prefer WoT to remain pure fantasy and not become speculative fiction will immediately claim that such a thing is far too outrageous to be considered. However, we've heard people preaching everything from Taimdred to Aramdred. Aliens don't seem that outrageous by comparison, now do they?

-Suggestions of Offworld Help-

The first reason to believe aliens (either from other worlds or other patterns) have changed the Randland world is that all the Portal Stones are the same. Had they been invented on the world in the First or early Second Age, shouldn't there be more primitive versions around? Look at the many versions of operating systems our computers run on. Even now it is easy to get your hands on an earlier version of Windows or Linux. So why are their no other versions of Portal Stones? Given the spans of time they exist and the strength of the stones, its very doubtful the older versions simply were destroyed. Logically, the Portal Stones needed to have been built on another world and then whatever version was the most current was brought to Randland when the offworlders first made contact.

Another problem comes from the fact that a Portal Stone has to be at each place you are traveling to. We see absolutely no way for 2nd Agers to travel between worlds in order to place the Portal Stone on the new world. At the end of Shadow Rising we hear in Mogs and Nynaeve's conversation that the 2nd Agers could get to other planets “beyond the stars” but I don't believe anyone could support the idea that the Age of Legends had inter-planetary vehicles. The War for Power would have been over in far shorter time if Lews Therin could have ordered Shayol Ghul bombarded from space, and the Breaking of the World would not have been nearly as bad if everyone could have picked up and left for a non-broken planet. This clearly shows the Portal Stones had to have been from before the 2nd Age, and likely before the 1st Age since scraps of the previous age remained in the Age of Legends and something of that magnitude is not easily forgotten.

The previous point is also highlighted by the statement somewhere in the books that only the strongest channelers of Age of Legends could use the Portal Stones. There is no sense in building a tool that no one can use, so most likely the original power source for the Stones was not the One Power. Since that is the strongest power known to the 2nd and 3rd Agers, it must be one from before the 2nd Age's memory. This branch of the theory will be further explored later in the text.

Yet another reason to believe the Portal Stones were not originally the creation of a previous age of Randland is the language used in the writing. Logically, the Stones are written in a language familiar to the Builders' race (much in the way all the web pages people go to are written in English and Spanish, not Sanskrit and Medieval Latin). The language of the Stones is not from the 1st Age since the 2nd Agers were able to read the remnants of the 1st Age but not the Stones themselves. The Stones are not likely to be much older than the 1st Age though, since there are only so many apocalypses something can survive through. The other possibility is that the language of the Stones is one from another world or pattern.

-What This Explains-

So what does this all mean? Well, we know at some point Randland was our own world. I won't get into that theory here, but there is more than ample evidence found on any number of other theories on this subject. Neither are there currently Portal Stones around here. Rather than believing at some point we create the Stones, it is far more likely the real Builders make contact with our own world. This accounts for:

1. The sudden appearance of the “Channeler Gene”. Interbreeding with a race of other humans who possess the ability to channel is a more realistic option than that it is a result of a nuclear holocaust that ends our own age (which is one of the more popular theories at the moment).

2. The appearance of Ogiers, which were not power-wrought species like the Chora Trees and the Nyms. Perhaps they came by Stone to the Randland world, perhaps they were even the ones who were the original Builders. One might even go so far as to propose that Ogiers are so closely tied to the Stedding because they were originally built to simulate the environment of the race's homeworld, but going into that here would take the theory off its course.

3. The historical inconsistencies with our own world. Although its possible the reason is just from too many retellings and embellishing over time, it could also be the result of having our own culture seen through the eyes of a completely alien race.

4. A possible cause for the changes in Ages. If we places our Age as the 7th, the arrival of the offworlders would mark the first. Perhaps the 2nd Age and all its forgetfulness of the past was the result of the ultimate collapse of the Builders' society. It could also be said our Age and the Builders' arrival were part of the 1st Age, which met with the same fate as the previous scenario.

-Further Stone Usage-

How exactly do the Builders' get to the world in which they want to build the Portal Stone? It was mentioned previously that you've got to have a way to install the Stone before you can travel to it. This is where the Silver Archers of Tar Valon and the Waste are needed. Since both the Arches and the Redstone Doorways of Tear and the Waste seem able to establish connections to other worlds without directly channeling at them, there must be another power source fueling them. The one meant for the Portal Stones perhaps?

And why were the Arches needed? Using the Waste one, a person can see what other realities might have been like. The ones most similar to their own (likely the most easiest to get to) are the ones that remain in people's memories. It is possible that this Archway was meant to be entered first to find other worlds that the Builders meant to travel to. The second Archway (using some function the Aes Sedia do not yet know of) would then be able to let the user interact with the worlds they found (since we know some forms of Traveling require a person to know where they're going before actually being able to go there).

And the Redstone Doorways? It would be foolish to have the Portal Stones aimed at worlds the user might be quickly killed on. Perhaps the Doors were meant to link worlds that were kept off the Stones so that only people with the proper training and understanding could go to them.

-Future Uses-

Any number of possibilities exist for future use of the Stones (expect for Portaldred). The most probably ones are:

1. Other, more advanced worlds might be waiting to be interacted with. We learn from The Great Hunt that in one of her alternate lives Verin learns the Builders used a system called the “Numbers of Chaos”. Could it have been some 2nd Age information left behind on a scrap of paper? Maybe. However, it is also possible that in that particular reality the Aes Sedai were able to make contact with a more advanced world.

2. The Big White Book was kind enough to tell us that the beasts used by the Seanchan came from other worlds on the Portal Stone network. Where there are some, there are likely to be others that could turn the tide of the Last Battle in either direction.

3. More caches of weapons and libraries? There has been a sudden influx of ter'angreals and scraps from the Age of Legends (at the beginning of Winter's Heart, the Acadamy's Headmistress says that half the scholars claim to have found one. They have to be coming from somewhere. Rand notes how odd he found it that cats outside of the Two Rivers had five toes when the ones in the Two Rivers had six. Could they have been brought to Randland from the same world as the Seanchan's six-toed creatures. The increased probability of Two River folk having the “channeling gene” (if it did originate from breeding with offworld beings as previously discussed) and the rumor of ghosts in the Mountains of Mist could be the result of a bit of interplanetary smuggling going on.

4. It is feasible that small increments of time traveling would be possible, as we saw in the Great Hunt when Rand and company are able to jump ahead several days of Padan Fain and his rebel trollocs. Could this also be the reason why Cadsuane has lived so long while still retaining the three oaths? Perhaps others have been doing this as well? Only “reading to find out” would prove such speculations one way or another.


As laid down in oh so many words, the Portal Stones could indeed have come from an offworld source. This might have even played a greater role in the development of our world to Randland's world that first appears to the reader, and the possibilities for further usage of them in an attempt to effect the outcome of the Last Battle is possible and in all likelihood probable since RJ isn't one to get rid of possible plot threads easily.


Okay, that's the end of it all. If you've managed to read down this far, feel free to respond. I'd certainly like to hear any thought out responses for or against the idea of alien interference, the relations between the Stones and the Arches/Doorways, or any other part of the overall theory.
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Tamyrlin: 2004-12-22

(Frenzy for Tamyrlin)
I personally think one of the strengths of this series is the quantity of unexplored possibilities that are written into it. Yes, there is a plausable mechanism for aliens to appear. But there is also a plausable mechanism for an asteroid to fall and wipe out the entire world. Neither option, in my opinion, would make for a good story. Jordan DOES intentionally leave plot threads unexplored, there are too many examples of that to write that off to mere sloppy writing.
Why are there no earlier versions of Portal Stones? Assuming they're man-made, (which I don't, I think they're endemic) just because you haven't found them doesn't mean they're not there. Many "modern" Portal Stones are weathered to the point of unrecognizability. Why assume earlier versions would fare better?
nitpick: It was Perrin, not Rand, who commented on six-toed cats. And FYI: polydactyl cats are not uncommon or otherworldly. Key West, Florida is known for them (they descend from one that belonged to Hemmingway). Scotland has a large number of them as well. I have a friend who has a seven-toed cat. And I'm pretty sure it isn't an alien.


Ashaman Grady: 2004-12-22

Where in the Great Hunt did Verin talk about the "Numbers of Chaos?"


Oatman: 2004-12-23

Personally, I think the portal stones are simply an artifact from an earlier age. Remember different weaves are lost between ages, such as the travelling weave being lost between the second and third age, and the weave to heal stilling being lost between the third and second age. The waygates, whose making has been lost, will be a similar artifact at the next turning of the wheel, as they will be there, but noone will know who put them there or how they work, just that they allow long distance travel without channeling.


penguindude: 2004-12-23

Verin talks about the Numbers in TGH Chapter 37, page 533 in the paperback. After using the Portal Stone to travel to Toman's Head, everyone begins trying to deal with what they saw. Verin says "The Lines that join the Worlds That Might Be, laid by those who knew the Numbers of Chaos... I've never heard it, but there is no reason we would not be born in those worlds, yet the lives we lived would be different lives."


Nine Moons: 2004-12-24

I don't think so, for the following reasons:

1) As Tamyrlin said, a lot of the Portal Stones are beyond recognition, so older versions might be gone.

2) It's called Traveling. They located planets where we could live (we're not too far from it) and traveled to them.

3) Who knows they didn't have space vehicles? They could have bombed Shayol Ghul, or at least it might have been considered.

4) Portal Stones could have been powered by the One Power only so that there was no chance of someone who might not come out alive to get in. Rand needed the Power to get out of grolm world.

5) The reason the writing is in something we can't understand could be 2 things: 1, since Randlanders don't speak english, and that their tounge is old tounge, the symbols could be another switch or 2, those symbols were needed to go to other timelines.

6) With the sudden appearence of the Channeler gene, we might very well have it, but at the moment, people are only trainable, so no one can start the Aes Sedai.

7) I agree that Ogier are aliens, and perhaps they did come by stones, but that doesn't mean they built them.

8) Read the first paragraph of each book; that explains why their retellings are so off.

9) Unfortunately, RJ says that we're Age 1, so it doesn't start with aliens showing up. (OR DOES IT???)

10) Your ter'angreal ideas are interesting, but it could be that they were built for reasons similar to how they've been used, and that they have no connection with PS except they do something similar.

11) We've found prinicples to some Eucludian (i think) math something-or-others by looking at crop circles. We don't need dues ex machina to give us the one overall math theory.

12) Interplanetary smuggling??? by what? If there were aliens interacting with Randland after giving us all sorts of junk, it's doubtful they wouldn't help now. Oh, and as one other note, because Verin says that the Dark One is imprisoned in each world, it's entirely possible that people living on a 'World in the Sky' could be fighting him too, which makes it more likely that their technology levels have gone down too.

Nice theory, but too many 'if's' for me.


Tamyrlin: 2004-12-26

We did a study on T'A'R a year or two ago, (which you can find in the studies section of the site.) In part of the study, we discussed Portal Stones, because we believe MW's are a part of the Unseen World, in some way. One thing I noted was the fact that symbols on Portal Stones in the RW were different from those same stones in Mirror Worlds. Obviously, Mirror Worlds come and go, and no one visited every mirror world to place a stone in its exact location; Mirror Worlds are reflections of reality, so the stones found there are reflections. Being reflections, they should reflect the symbols found on their counterpart stones in the Real World. However, they do not.

For this reason, I speculate that the Unseen World, in some manner, controls the display of these stones within the Mirror Worlds. As to the Numbers of Chaos, from our study, we can to the simple belief that those who knew the Numbers of Chaos, were mathematicians, possibly some of the first channelers, who understand how to mathematically plot travel from the Real World to Mirror Worlds, or from a Real World stone to a Real World stone. It is likely, in my opinion, some of the first creators of these traveling devices had access to T'A'R, and the study of which helped them come up with the design (calculations) necessary to make travel to "reflections" possible.


a dragonburned fool: 2005-01-04

The only type of other worlds, Portal Stones give access to, are Mirror worlds. Are they symbols for other planets? We have no indication about. But we have indication about access to Mirror worlds. And they are not other planets. They are the same planet in another variant. If under "aliens" are understood creatures from other mirror worlds, it would be something mentioned in the series. But other planets? Never in the books is mentioned or hinted anything about sentient beings from other planets of the same reality. Only creatures from other realities are mentioned.


Aiel Finn: 2005-01-04

I think that the portal stones were made in T'A'R because that is the only place where one can access a number of different mirror worlds at the same time. The stones are at points whch remain mostly the same in all the mirror worlds linked to them. This is also why they cannot be moved.

One thing that is probably important and may have a clue as to thier origin, The steps around the stone in TGH are colored in the seven ajah colors, but the AoL Aes Sedai supposedly didn't have structured ajahs (BWB).


terez: 2005-01-05

During Rand's visit to the Mirror World in tGH, "twice (Rand) saw a wispy streak crawling across the sky like a line drawn with cloud. The lines were too straight to be natural, it seemed, but he could not imagine what might make them." But we certainly can. I haven't seen those lines mentioned anywhere. However, I think all of these little references are meant only to give the reader clues to the complexity of the possibilities in this world, sort of like Zifnab in Death Gate, if you will. I don't think he means to develop every one of them.