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Far-Out Theory

by Jalwin Moerad: 2003-12-19 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: Egwene's Kidnapping

Now, I know everyone will shoot this down immediately, but just let me get my two cents in.

Okay, we all know that Egwene is very crafty and politically astute (I will assume that I don't have to back this up with quotes). We also know that she is obsessed with healing the tower WITHOUT violence.

Crossroads of Twilight, The subject of Negotiations, p. 397

"No," she repeated. "I know people are going to die before this is over." ..."But I have to keep the White Tower alive-against Tarmon Gai'don-to stand between the world and the Asha'man-and the Tower will die if this comes to sisters killing one another in the streets of Tar Valon."

This comes in response to Gareth Bryne asking to use Gateways to enter the Tower. I'm sure we all agree that gateways would succeed militarily for the rebels.

Anyway, onto the truly outlandish part of the theory. What if Egwene DILIBERATELY allowed herself to be captured?

She had forewarning that Lelaine might be plotting against her:

Crossroads of Twilight, What the Oath Rod Can Do, p. 672

"And if we sometimes need to conceal our mistakes, whenever possible, we rectify them. Even when it is painful."

That alone should have given Egwene pause. But combined with the disturbing 'Gawyn Prophecies' (i.e., the ones where he is walking across broken glass, saving her, killing her, etc.) she should have been cognizant of the danger, and indeed was. So if she put herself knowingly into danger, perhaps it was because she wished to destroy the 'lawful' Aes Sedai from the inside out. This would make sense with the images from the Accepted testing doorway (where she was Amyrlin but had never taken the three oaths and Elaida was still around).

The one 'monkey wrench' in this theory is the end:

Crossroads of Twilight, What the Oath Rod Can Do, p. 678

"She had been betrayed. But by whom?"

I know that everyone will jump all over me for this one, but stop one second and think. It makes a strange sense that she would allow herself to be captured, almost like coming full circle.
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Tamyrlin: 2004-01-01

I think I suggested something similar, as one of my four options, in the theory I wrote for this category. Although, you added to the theory with the suggestion that the Gawyn Prophecies, might suggest a sacrificial attempt on Egwene's part to end the conflict. I think that Egwene must have known that she would be caught, but went anyway. I lean towards the idea that she knew she would be, and that Siuan and she were planning something regarding her capture...possibly to get her out of her camp, since someone was executing Aes Sedai (Halima). In some ways, she would be safer in the Tower. There are many ways her capture can be used. It might force the Aes Sedai in her camp to make a decision, since all they have been doing is trying to avoid decisions. The "she had been betrayed" quote doesn't discount the idea. Egwene, like any half way intelligent being, running an army and group of Aes Sedai like she was would assume, that she has enemies within her own camp who would sell information given the chance. This opportunity gives her the chance to fight out whom, which is something she is obviously interested in discovering.


Korell: 2004-01-02

Well noted Tam i like this theory alot and i think that the "she had been betrayed. But by whom?" is fairly innocuous because it can be perceived from 2 diffrent views it can be that she had been betrayed or now i know for sure someone in my camp has betrayed me now to find out who, why, and how and let Siaun know about it.

good job i think this needs to be a faction i would jump on this bandwagon


phenila: 2004-01-03

I think that Halima is using a form of compulsion on Egwene. And by killing Anaiya and Kairen, Halima almost guarateed that Egwene would be the one to block the harbor. I think there is no way that Egwene has deliberately allowed herself to be captured. Halima has been leading her to this trap!


ranman38: 2004-01-05

I also ascribe to this theory and have posted similar in the message board. I also do not feel that the phrase, she had been betrayed...etc, is important enough to discredit this theory because there is no exclamation or punctuation stating surprise. More like a statement of known fact. A statement of, Yes, I was right.


dragonsceptor: 2004-01-08

This theory makes sense. I just finished crossroads and Eg's thoughts before going were regarding Bode. She was thinking about how sometimes you had to use people even when they weren't ready. It was after thinking about this that she decided she couldn't force Bode into what was going to happen. It is intersting to note that she never mentioned what they were going to try to do. If she knew that the person sent would be captured, this would have given her pause in sending Bode (someone she had grown up with).


Cossack: 2004-02-16

There is definately a lot to think about here, one of the most important things being Egwene's stern refusal to let Bode do the Cuendillar job. Now that could be her inborn stubborness but it could be something else.

Also one thing that could be important but i just cant seem to put my finger on what it could mean. Her kidnapper, in the last words of the chapter says something along the lines of "well, look what we have here" This could mean that Egwenes kidnapping was just a accident. Also it could mean that Nicola didn't completely set it up, but told on Egwene about it.


asdaf: 2004-02-16

Hm. I like the idea of Egwene on purpose letting herself be caught. Maybe she tried to avoid bloodshed on streets of Tar Valon to such a degree that she decided on something like that. But I believe she is following out some plan of hers. She had a few dreams about her and WT, so maybe she 'decided' it's time to help dreams come true. I think that I remember correctrly, that 'true dreams' are always fulfilled and those were the dreams she had had.

Dreams told her about some things that would have to happen in order to save WT, so maybe she figured out if she put herself in 'favourable' conditions everything would solve itself the way she desires. She wouldn't go totally blind; there was a dream of Gawyn 'saving or killing' her (yes, the 'killing' part is not very optimistic, but she loves him sooo much she doesn't really take him hurting her into consideration), and there was second dream of her being saved, this time by a Seanchan (and I will bet a lot against any who thinks that shadow over moon that she saw was something other than raken or to'raken - the Seanchan are already in Tar Valon). And of course there was Accepted test and her vision of her as Amyrlin being tried (in my opinion this vision should be considered more in a figurative way not a literal one)

Considering what I wrote above her words "She had been betrayed. But by whom?" simply mean; 'I knew it has to begin somehow but betrayal? I wonder who betrayed me?'.


Nae-blis: 2004-02-29

Just a Quick Question..why would she let herself get caught? It won't help her in any way! Alone, she can't **destroy the 'lawful' Aes Sedai from the inside out. **. WHy would she risk all this just to get inside the Tower? What does she think she can do on her own? I'm not sayiing that i don't agree with this theory but i think we have to consider what her intentions might be. Surely she can't start killing off the Aes Sedai in the Tower withouit anyone realising it's her! Perhaps she will beg for mercy and convince them that she was "forced" into being Amyrlin- but this still wouldn't giv her any opportuntity to stop the war. Why does she think that she can do more inside the Tower, alone,than outside it with a huge army who can Travel?

Cha Faile


Zader: 2004-06-23

Some points of interest in this theory

What is it the Aes Sedai were doing.

Where have the Forsaken spent the last 3000 years. What trapped them.

Halima is one of the Forsaken. Dont think she/he is prepared to take a chance on being trapped again. More likely the reason for killing those strongest in Earth talent. While very astute Egwene still has not learnt the same lessons as Rand. Duty is heavier than a mountain. Going in Bode's place is easier than sending her. In Egwene's dream there is no indication Egwene takes the Seanchan's hand. You jump from one vision to the other. Egwene has never met Egeanin. Elayne + Nynaeve have never been collared. Their feelings are not the same as Egwene's about Seanchan