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he Impossible Breaking of the World

by Khyprus: 2004-06-09 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: The Last Battle

I have thought about how a new breaking of the world is possible and come to the conclusion that it is near to impossible to do with the One Power and as far as I know there aren't any other forces that could do it if not the Dark One breaks free or a series of massive earthquakes and vulkanic activity everywhere.

Because it just cant happen with the One Power if you think about the facts.

Here are some more points to support that it is impossible.

1.In the AoL there were maybe a million channelers.

So they had around a half million male going crazy ripping the world apart.

At that time, about 3% of the population could learn to channel to some extent, though not all chose to -- the training program took time, and being able to channel carried with it certain obligations that not everyone wanted to undertake -- but that still meant there were, at a minimum, hundreds of thousands of people in the world who could channel, and more likely millions.

Taken from an answer by Jordan ( ) Week 15

2. In the third age 2% can channel or learn to channel, most never learn. The different groups of channelers that can wield the One Power are:

1000 Aes Sedai

500 Ashaman

1000 Kin women

Wise ones 7000 (Shaido had 500 Wise ones who could channel and they had the least Wise ones who could)

The Damane (no numbers known, maybe around a total of 2000)

The Seafolk channelers (no numbers known, many died at Ebou Dar)

The land of the madmen (no numbers know, realy nothing is known about them except for some facts in the BWB) and the Shaaran channelers (no numbers known, only female)

So, is that enough for a new breaking???

I hardly think so, but who knows in what form it will come.

And of course Rand still has the male access-key to Choedan Kal, maybe Rand will go crazy and do it all by himself with it.

I'll leave you guys and girls to talk about this, according to me it is near to impossible that the breaking will happen with the One Power if not Rand does it by himself.
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Tamyrlin: 2004-09-03

I agree with your general premise. Even if the DO were to "taint" Saidin again, there are not enough male channelers to "break" the world again...considering, it has been tainted ever since the breaking...and another breaking has not occurred. In other words, the end of this age will likely be a "sealing" and/or some cataclysmic natural phenomenon.


Frenzy: 2004-09-03

i disagree. If it only takes one middling male channeler to destroy buildings and kill thousands, then it'd only take a handful of strong male channelers to wipe out entire cities. And let's face it, there aren't that many cities left on the mainland. The world is smaller than what it used to be.

Besides, the mad male channelers during the Breaking weren't exactly working together. They couldn't link, obviously. They were working on their own, in their own madness. Those lone madmen were the ones who raised mountains, sank oceans, etc.

A breaking could happen again. Never underestimate madmen. (see Padan Fain)


Callandor: 2004-09-03

**I have thought about how a new breaking of the world is possible and come to the conclusion that it is near to impossible to do with the One Power and as far as I know there aren't any other forces that could do it if not the Dark One breaks free or a series of massive earthquakes and vulkanic activity everywhere.**

And what makes you think this Breaking needs to be physical? Rand (and others) has MORE then broken the world in a different sense.

**So, is that enough for a new breaking???**

Rand himself is enough for a new Breaking. One channeler does not equal one destroyed city. A channeler like Narishma or Flinn could destroy parts of a city, without killing themselves, then go destroy the other parts, then the other parts, again and again. And not die.

A channeler like Rand.... He could in my mind move the entire Ebou Dar bay at a time and put it over the land. Add angreals or sa'angreals, and there's no need to think about it not being possible.

But I still think it will be more metaphorical then actual.


Anubis: 2004-09-04

i think its in the fires of heaven when rand is in the past through his ancestors eyes but one powerfull channeler destroyed a city. i think a new breaking is a possibility.


IkilledAsmodean: 2004-09-05

Also, if numbers were an issue, think along this line. Between books 7 and 8 alone, the amount of female chanellers saw a drastic rise. If Rand's forces had any sort of rise along that vein, or even half of that, it would prolly double the amount of channelers.

Also, there is somethign yet to be explored I believe. Aiel channelers. Now that Rand has fixed the taint, I wouldn't rule out a number of men coming forward now from the Aiel, breaking tradition, yet again, and admitting they might be able to channel.


SugarBullet: 2004-09-07

Whether this age nor not, something MUST happen at some point to rearrange the world into what we would consider a more recognizable shape. Granted, the land has several ages to revert to the form of the first age, but since it is a fantasy world, a breaking seems as feasible as anything.


minalth: 2004-09-08

Rand could break the world on his own as long as no other channelers were around to stop him (they might be able to form a circle)
Its like noise on an image, if you add enough that none of the previous image is there any more, you can still add more on top, thats what happened in the breaking, the world was changed beyond recognition, then changed again, then again, then again etc.


enigma: 2004-09-08

Individual channelers can cause damage but one even as powerful as Rand can't break the world unless he has something like the Choadan Kal.

The breaking was much a cumlative effect with the damange being major and widespread and at the same time. Were it to happen now at the current number of male channelers say around 600 they could cause widespread damange through traveling but causing a lot of destruction in an area even as large as a nation like Andor is not a world wide event.

Something else to remember is that some of the men in the AoL probably ended up killing themselves along with others due to the fact that they were mad and thus had no sense of self preservation.


a dragonburned fool: 2004-09-09

Most, if not every channeler can cause damages that Rand could do with Callandor (and that would be damages of the range that were done during the previous breaking) if this channeler is crazy enough. I mean not taint-crazy, but just crazy to not care about what would happen with him/her after the channeling. The strenght of a channeler is not a limit of how much OP could they draw and use, but only how much OP they can control, in other words how much OP they can survive. But if they don't care about surviving the channeling they can draw the amounts of Power that only mighty sa'angreals can provide safely. Queen Elisande, the wife of Aemon, having no angreal and being fairly alone, sitting in city of Manetheren destroyed with one single strike the whole army that defeated Aemon, destroyed it in the location of Emmond's field, i.e. very far from her location, and together with that she destroyed the city of Manetheren as if with a nuke. And that's a lonely female channeler!


Celana: 2004-09-09

I'm with dbf here. I think he hit the nail right on the head. If you need any more evidence just read Dragonmount again and see what LTT did all by his lonesome. I think it would be possible.

I should also add though that I don't believe the world will be broken in the same fashion it was before. If it will be a physical breaking or a mental breaking I have no clue. I just think that an identical breaking would be boring.