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Your search for the tag 'adaptations' yielded 13 results

  • 1

    Interview: Mar 12th, 2015

    bubblesRme (Reddit)

    Hi Brandon, The Wheel of Time series is what got me into reading when I was a kid. Starting the day you were announced to continue the series I picked up Mistborn and couldn't stop reading everything you've had published. Thank you for being an amazing writer. After watching the WoT production I've been considering how poorly many live action adaptations were done. Would you allow your works to be animated instead if you found the right group? Maybe not Stormlight Archive, but Mistborn or Warbreaker where the coloring is an active part of the world.

    Brandon Sanderson (Reddit)

    I would absolutely allow an animated version. I think that animation can do incredible things, and would like to see the general American public become more accepting of it in a wider variety of types of storytelling.


  • 2

    Interview: Mar 12th, 2015

    AltF4WillHelp (Reddit)

    Hi Brandon! Like everyone here, I'm a big fan of your work! I'm very much looking forward to seeing the Elantris changes/corrections you've recently mentioned. It'll give me a great excuse to read it again, especially since I read both it and Warbreaker before knowing of the Cosmere, years ago.

    Rather than asking about any specific and intricate details about the books themselves—others will have that covered, I'm sure—I'm interested to hear how your stories are flourishing (or are soon to flourish) in other media.

    1. The tabletop RPG is pretty fun! Do you ever play it yourself? I've had a rather great experience. I played an A:Gold F:Copper twinborn, who fell in love with a mining tycoon's daughter. There was a lot of intrigue and we faced a cult dedicated to the rediscovery and development of hemalurgy for clearly nefarious purposes. My character was of a minor noble family that fell on hard times. Drawing upon his other potential lives to glean and store some otherwise unobtainable information, he was becoming a suspiciously good prospector who always seemed have some tidbit of knowledge that'd help in any situation. That's probably not quite how that metal combination actually works, but I'd be interested to know if I'm close. Our GM was pretty flexible with it, and it allowed for some cool plot hooks. I was trying to emulate some of Shai's abilities with this character. I probably would have needed F:Aluminum, too, I think, to actually switch to 'being' the other potential self.
    2. At one point, there was mention of a Mistborn video game. What can you tell us about that? Is it still being worked on?
    3. I remember hearing that Legion might be looking at having a TV show (I don't recall; didn't it start as a show proposal?). Is that still the plan, and, if so, how far along is it?
    4. Are there any plans to bring the Cosmere to the big screen? (OR as a bunch of crossing-over TV Shows. I love that. The CW has been having some great success doing that with Arrow and Flash.)

    Thank you for answering, and thank you so much for gifting us these great stories!

    Brandon Sanderson (Reddit)

    1) I do play it on occasion, and I think the guys at Crafty knocked it out of the park on that one. The game is a lot of fun. This was a really cool way to use the magics, by the way. I commend you for it! In your version of the story, you're playing an alternate timeline, and what your characters discover is possible is totally valid there.
    2) Still in development, but moving sloooowly. Hopefully info will come out soon.
    3) That option lapsed, but someone else picked it up, so it's being developed again! Keep your fingers crossed, but we basically started over last winter. So not much done yet.
    4) I'd love to do this, and I think that media is getting to the point where this wouldn't be frightening to studios. I have big dreams, but mostly, this is out of my hands until I can get Brad Bird on the phone and bully him into making one of my films.


  • 3

    Interview: Jan 21st, 2015


    Movies! Can we expect cameos?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes! He’s contractually required to appear in all movies that have currently been sold. Of those movies, he named off Legion, Mistborn, The Emperors Soul, and Steelheart.


  • 4

    Interview: Jan 20th, 2015


    I read recently you sold the rights to the Mistborn movies, was that a purchase or an option?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It was an option, no purchase has been made yet.


  • 5

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2015


    So a lot of your books are very cinematic in nature and lend themselves very well to other forms of media and I was wondering if you had to choose what would you do-- video games…

    Brandon Sanderson

    I would want to do all of those.


    All of the things?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, I would love to do a big cross-media sort of deal. Whatever I can get away with, right? So we’re doing a White Sand comic book right now, you probably know about that. White Sand, my unpublished novel, we’re doing a graphic novel of that. I’m working hard to get the movies made, I will do anything I can get made. Just because I love storytelling in all its different weird varieties.


    There’s the Mistborn dice game, do you know of anything for The Stormlight Archive? If they’re ever going to do something with that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I think the thing we are going to do with Stormlight Archive-- We’re going to try a chasm assault boardgame. Where you put together chasms and bridges and things like that. That’s what we think would work really well. We have a developer-- well game designer who wants to do one of those so we’re going to work with them and try to get it made.


  • 6

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2015


    Did I read that they were going to make a movie out of Mistborn?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The question is-- Somebody bought the rights. The question is whether they are actually going to use them for anything, and that I can’t say. I really like the people who have them.


    Would you be involved in it if--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. I would be involved.


    How much?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The contracts say I have to be able to go to the set at any time.


    You wouldn’t be helping writing the screenplay?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh I don’t write screenplays, it’s a different skill. I think you do an expert do what an expert does. But so far they have sent me all of the stuff they’ve done and I’ve given feedback and they’ve taken it. It’s a good sign.


    In your opinion what percent--

    Brandon Sanderson

    How close?


    --that they are going to start it.

    Brandon Sanderson



    That small?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That’s high. I think that’s very high for this business. My agent says one out of 30 gets made.


    So what’s the criteria they would--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Investors, if there are people who are willing to give us a 100 million dollars… So if you happen to know anyone willing to sink a 100 million dollars into a film we could do it tomorrow.


  • 7

    Interview: Oct 9th, 2015


    Movies update?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They are taking some time, but are moving along. Right now the farthest along are Steelheart and Emperor’s Soul. Screenplays are being written. I don’t want to do the screenplays but I will do the treatments.


  • 8

    Interview: Feb 25th, 2016


    Which of your books do you think would be the best to adapt into a musical?

    Brandon Sanderson

    A musical? Uhh...I have not given that a whole lot of, because it's silly, it's kind of a silly idea.


    Okay. I thought I might ask you one you haven't heard before.

    Brandon Sanderson

    You win a prize. That's one I haven't heard before.


  • 9

    Interview: Feb 25th, 2016


    You think you'll ever make a full novel of Legion?

    Brandon Sanderson

    If I could ever get the TV show off the ground, I would, but it depends on whether I can get someone to make a TV show of it.


  • 10

    Interview: Apr 23rd, 2016


    I was just wondering if you had any plans for a longer Legion type work.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The goal was for a long time if I could get a television show off the ground, and I would write a novel to accompany it to kind of publicize the show. We sold the rights a couple times, but it never got off the ground. I still think it’s possible someday, but I probably don’t envision doing a longer one - in fact, I’ll say, I don’t envision doing a longer one right now unless that happens. Though I do envision doing a third story at some point.


    So you would say that Legion is best consumed in forty-four minute blocks?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, I mean, when I came up with the idea, I thought, this would make a great television show, let me write a few episodes.


  • 11

    Interview: Nov 22nd, 2016

    BYU Bookstore (Paraphrased)


    no question specified

    Brandon Sanderson

    He mentioned that if he could he would love to have open auditions for the Cosmere movies, and will post them if possible.


  • 12

    Interview: Nov 22nd, 2016

    BYU Bookstore (Paraphrased)


    Regarding the movie options:

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sanderson has high hopes, and will try to get a PG-13 rating as much as he can (because we all know it's not going to be PG.) If the movies are bad, they'll pull more people into the Sanderson craziness and we'll have more people to complain with.


  • 13

    Interview: Dec 3rd, 2016


    I just remembered that someone asked about the whole movie deal thing, and Brandon gave a more thorough explanation.

    Brandon Sanderson

    What happened is that DMG, which is a chinese company, came to him first about the Emperor's Soul, because they wanted to make stuff that has more asian characters and they wanted to do it in hollywood because Hollywood's seriously lacking in representation of asians. So he sold that to them first, and then they called him back a couple months later asking about the entire cosmere. At that time, Mistborn was still optioned by another group, but brandon sold all the other stuff, and they started on Way of Kings right away, and then as soon as Mistborn became available they bought that up so that they had the entire cosmere. And he said that Way of Kings is ahead right now, but Mistborn will likely be first, because it'll be easier to produce and stuff.
