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Your search for the tag 'sadeas' yielded 7 results

  • 1

    Interview: Sep, 2012


    6. As Dalinar gave his Shardblade to Highprince Sadeas, was his motivation only to free the Brigdemen as “Thank you” for the help? Or did he already plan to build a team from soldiers who are loyal only to him?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He certainly saw the side benefits. However, his primary motive was to make a statement. Not just as a thank you, but as a way of proclaiming to all of the Alethi "What we have been doing is wrong. This wealth is not worth the lives of men."


  • 2

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    What Jasnah did, in the first book, with Shallan in the alleyway. And what happened at the end of this book, between Adolin and the other character. Would you put them on the same level? Or would you say that what Adolin did was maybe a little bit darker?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I would say that what Adolin did was less dark, personally. I would say that what Adolin did was something that needed to be done, that no one else was capable of doing.


    Will it have any ramifications for him down the line? With how it was handled?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, there are definitely ramifications. How it's handled, there's lots of ramifications. And there are certain characters who would think that what he did is totally, totally, totally wrong.


  • 3

    Interview: Jan 17th, 2015


    So Words of Radiance… [paper crumpling; Adolin?] ...killed by… [crumpling; Sadeas?] … knife through the eye [crumpling] … worked so hard, I mean like does that change him in any way [?]

    Brandon Sanderson

    You will have to read on and see where it goes, and it’s certainly not something his father would have done, but at the same time, ah, I think there is a legitimate moral argument that what he did was right. I think there’s a legitimate one. I’m not saying it won’t change him or stuff, but there is a legitimate argument.


  • 4

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2015


    I am very convinced that Adolin, with the events that happen with the last book. You’re sending him down a like a dark path. Is he possibly going to be a-- Antagonist(?) protagonist(?)-- A bad, eventually? Or is he--

    Brandon Sanderson

    I’m going to say this, the things that Adolin did do not contradict some of the moralities on Roshar, in fact they follow them directly. Some of the moralities on our planet would say what he did is the right thing to do. I think treating it as a “dark path” is too reductionist to say. There are people who would seriously argue, and they would have a good argument, that what Dalinar was doing by leaving Sadeas around was a good idea. And then there are other people who would say “You know what Sadeas did was a challenge and it was rightly then responded to” and then there are people who would say it was absolutely immoral. So, it depends on your philosophy. What would Honor say? Well, Honor’s dead, so-- *lots of laughter* You know Honor would not have been behind that action, but Honor’s dead.


  • 5

    Interview: Apr 2nd, 2015


    Was Adolin's murder of Sadeas him falling under the influence of Odium, or was that all him?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That was all Adolin.


  • 6

    Interview: Apr 8th, 2016


    Ok, first one. Was Sadeas ever affected directly by Odium or an Unmade, not counting the Thrill?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Not counting the Thrill, ok uhhhhm. There are affects of other unmade around, and Odium's direct effect? I'm going to say, no, maybe some indirect effects.


    What about Roshone?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Uhhhm, no. The Thrill is the main thing that is getting the Alethi, I mean, there are others around, but it's not as obvious with that as with other things.


  • 7

    Interview: Sep 6th, 2016


    I asked Brandon if it was any coincidence that Sadeas's name sounds suspiciously similar to the word sadist, and

    Brandon Sanderson

    in essence his answer was no, it's not a coincidence, but he didn't consciously choose the name for that specific reason. More like his brain decided it sounded good for that character because his subconscious heard the similarity.
