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Your search for the tag 'semirhage' yielded 31 results

  • 1

    Interview: Jan 25th, 2005

    Week 12 Question

    In Winters Heart, you mention that back in the Age of Legends, there were several other Forsaken that the Dark One had killed because he suspected they would betray him. What's their story? Were those people ever as high ranking as the 13 survivors, or where they more like high-ranking Dreadlords then actual Forsaken?

    Robert Jordan

    First off, Dreadlords was the name given to men and women who could channel and sided with the Shadow in the Trolloc Wars. Yes, the women were called Dreadlords, too. They might have liked to call themselves "the Chosen," like the Forsaken, but feared to. The real Forsaken might not have appreciated it when they returned, as prophecies of the Shadow foretold would happen. Some of the Dreadlords had authority and responsibility equivalent to that of the Forsaken in the War of the Shadow, however. They ran the Shadow's side of the Trolloc Wars, though without the inherent ability to command the Myrddraal that the Forsaken possess, meaning they had to negotiate with them. Overall command at the beginning was in another's hands.

    Forsaken was the name given to Aes Sedai who went over to the Shadow in the War of the Shadow at the end of the Age of Legends, though of course, they called themselves the Chosen, and despite the tales of the "current" Age, there were many more than a few of them. Since they occupied all sorts of levels, you might say that many were equivalent to some of the lesser Dreadlords, but it would be incorrect to call them so. At the time, they were all Forsaken—or Chosen—from the greatest to the least.

    Some of those Forsaken the Dark One killed were every bit as high-ranking as the thirteen who were remembered, and who you might say constituted a large part of the Dark One's General Staff at the time of the sealing. With the Forsaken, where treachery and backstabbing were an acceptable way of getting ahead, the turnover in the upper ranks was fairly high, though Ishamael, Demandred, Lanfear, Graendal, Semirhage, and later Sammael, were always at the top end of the pyramid. They were very skilled at personal survival, politically and physically.

    In large part the thirteen were remembered because they were trapped at Shayol Ghul, and so their names became part of that story, though it turned out that details of them, stories of them, survived wide-spread knowledge of the tale of the actual sealing itself. Just that they had been sealed away. Other Forsaken were left behind, so to speak, free but in a world that was rapidly sliding down the tube. The men eventually went mad and died from the same taint that killed off the other male Aes Sedai. They had no access to the Dark One's protective filters. The women died, too, though from age or in battle or from natural disasters created by insane male Aes Sedai or from diseases that could no longer be controlled because civilization itself had been destroyed and access to those who were skilled in Healing was all but gone. And soon after their deaths, their names were forgotten, except for what might possibly be discovered in some ancient manuscript fragment that survived the Breaking. A bleak story of people who deserved no better, and not worth telling in any detail.


    The 'another' mentioned at the end of the first paragraph probably refers to Ishamael; there are hints in the BWB that he began the Trolloc Wars during one of the periods where he was free from the Bore.


  • 2

    Interview: Jan 25th, 2005

    Week 15 Question

    At the risk of being RAFO'd: Mesaana was punished for ignoring her orders to go to stop Rand from cleansing saidin. Was Semirhage also punished for ignoring orders, or did she have special exemption? (If you're going to RAFO us, consider giving us some other little tidbit instead?)

    Robert Jordan

    Semirhage was present at Shadar Logoth, though not seen. You didn't see Graendal, either, though admittedly Moghedien thought of her, thinking it would be good if she or Cyndane died. If I always tried to show everyone who was present at a battle or the like, the books would be a LOT longer than they are now. And those battles would get rather boring, a list of names. Go down the checklist and make sure everyone gets mentioned. Boring. Anyway, Mesaana was the only one who tried to sit it out. By the way, Moridin also was not present, for reasons that will become self-evident as you read on.

    By the by, Rand and his companions very likely would have been killed or captured if the Forsaken were not who they are, if they had been willing to form links and coordinate their attacks. But they suffer from a combination of arrogance toward the "ignorant peasants" of the current Age and distrust of one another. Forming a link is all very well, but who leads? Which of them would be willing to give up control over their own ability and put it completely under the control of another of them? Who are you willing to let get behind your back in a fight? Moghedien? Semirhage? I didn't think so.


    We did see Graendal at the Cleansing, actually; Verin's group encountered her. As for the 'self-evident' reasons why Moridin was not there, it likely has to do with the sickness caused by his link with Rand (we saw in Knife of Dreams that Moridin also suffers from it). Short of that, it almost surely has something to do with the link between them.


  • 3

    Interview: Oct 25th, 1994


    What about your characters? Are there any of them you don't like?

    Robert Jordan

    You have to like a character to get inside of them, to make them real to the reader. Ever read a book where several characters felt right, and one of them was just wrong, where your reaction is "That can't be a real person?" If so, odds are that the writer didn't like that character. I get into each of my characters. For instance, I'm really a mean SOB when I'm writing Semirhage.


  • 4

    Interview: 2010

    Brandon Sanderson (11 June 2010)

    'He stood there waiting for one of the Forsaken to leap out of the flames in the marble fireplace, or the earth to swallow the Palace...'


    This is the kind of awesome line I love the WoT for. You miss it the 1st time, but years later, it blows your mind.


    About 150 pages of 450 pages worth of my WoT rereading is done. The next sections I write will be the last new material for this book.


  • 5

    Interview: Oct 12th, 1996

    Mike Lawson

    Also, there's another (non-FAQ-related) note concerning the pre-Bore Age of Legends...

    Robert Jordan

    RJ had mentioned (in response to another question) that what the characters believe does not make it so (Moiraine's statements were used as an example), so I asked whether the pre-Bore Age of Legends was the Utopia that the characters believed it to be. His reply is paraphrased below:

    Compared to their current world, it certainly would be a utopia. However, that doesn't mean that it wasn't perfect. Of course, outbreaks of diseases were kept to a minimum, but it and other disasters of that ilk still occurred. Evil still existed, as well.

    The Forsaken, for example, weren't exactly a stellar bunch to begin with. Semirhage, for example, was a sadist. (I'll skip his description of what a sadist is.) She went into her profession (the equivalent of a surgeon) because it provided an outlet for her sadism. (He then cited some studies that showed that there were more people with sadist tendencies in the medical profession, and surgeons in particular, to support his point.) Aginor (whom he said after some prompting had several elements of the classic mad scientist type) was a biological scientist who never considered the consequences of his actions. Aginor would say, "I wonder what would happen if I took the ebola virus and altered it to be an airborne virus." He'd go ahead and do just that, all without realizing he'd be creating a potentially unstoppable plague. All Aginor would reply to that was, "Hmm. Interesting." (Jordan then mentioned Aginor's creation of the Trollocs, their defects, "It was strong, big, tough to kill, and...... stupid," and that it was the birth of the first Myrddraal that saved the Trollocs from being a complete failure.)

    Even back in the Age of Legends, regular, ordinary folks could do some pretty nasty things. He then cited a study about a small town of ordinary Germans in WWII who did some pretty horrific things (I believe he was referring to the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners").


  • 6

    Interview: Apr 6th, 2001


    Question: We haven't seen much about Mesaana and Semirhage. I assume they're going to feature somewhere in the future books?

    Robert Jordan

    Yes, Mesaana and Semirhage will feature in future books. There are reasons they have been lying low.


  • 7

    Interview: Oct 17th, 2005

    Mad Cao

    I asked RJ to expand on Semirhage's actions in Seanchan.

    Robert Jordan

    He answered, in general terms, that she had engineered the complete eradication of the royal line (nothing new here).


  • 8

    Interview: Oct 17th, 2005

    Mad Cao

    I then asked if Semirhage was somehow immune to the effects of the Crystal Throne.

    Robert Jordan

    He said that she certainly was.


  • 9

    Interview: Dec 19th, 2005

    Robert Jordan

    For kcf, one of Cadsuane's ornaments is a ter'angreal that can interfere with weaves. That is how she was able to disrupt Semirhage's use of Illusion.


  • 10

    Interview: Nov 15th, 2009


    Was the passage about Cadsuane spanking Semirhage already written, or was there just information in the notes? How did you feel about writing that section?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He was given creative freedom to do what was needed. No author can ever stick 100% to an outline, things change as they are being written, and he was given that kind of control in order to make the books work. Regarding that passage in particular, it made Brandon Sanderson cringe, but Robert Jordan wanted it in the books so it stayed.


  • 11

    Interview: Nov 19th, 2009


    Was Moridin aware of Shaidar Haran's plans with Semirhage?

    Brandon Sanderson

    His answer was, word for word: The Dark One trusts Moridin more than any other Forsaken.


  • 12

    Interview: Nov 21st, 2009

    Matt Hatch

    There was some confusion about Rand and the Dark One’s permission, so for clarification’s sake, did Rand have the Dark One’s permission to use the True Power?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I have not answered that. If anyone says that I have, I have not. What I have said specifically is, this is recording: generally one must have the Dark One’s permission to use the True Power. Semirhage believed that the Dark One had betrayed her by letting Rand use it. [...] It is good that you have asked this so I can make sure on the record that is the answer I have given.


  • 13

    Interview: Nov 19th, 2009


    Did Shaidar Haran know Moridin had forbidden the Forsaken from rescuing Semirhage?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes he did, no further comment.


  • 14

    Interview: Nov 19th, 2009


    Brandon Sanderson

    Lastly I want to mention that in general conversation at the end, Brandon was very careful to state that we cannot assume that Rand drew the True Power through the link with Moridin; nor may we assume the opposite. (In other words, we're not supposed to have enough evidence yet to draw a conclusion.)

    Furthermore, it seemed that he wanted to make it clear that we cannot discount the idea that the Dark One did indeed "set up" Semirhage (pretty much per Isilel's scenario). I'm not saying he's telling us that that is what happened, but he was almost insistent that we did not close the door on that line of speculation. Take it for what you will.


    This question was explored further here and here.


  • 15

    Interview: Nov 16th, 2009


    How does Nynaeve compare with Semirhage in One Power strength?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm pretty sure she's stronger, but they are very close. RJ has a list of all the channelers' strengths. On that list, only six people are stronger than Nynaeve. It's such a rare event that pretty much anytime we meet someone stronger than her, it's explicitly said. There are two One Power strength scales—an 'old' and a 'new'. Nynaeve was the top of the female list for the 'old' list. Six are stronger on the 'new' list.

    Brandon was pretty certain that Nynaeve is stronger than Mesaana, who isn't particularly strong in Forsaken terms.

    Brandon was very open and willing to talk about this issue—people who care about these things should ask at every opportunity.


  • 16

    Interview: Nov 16th, 2009


    Did Rand directly have the Dark One's permission to channel the True Power?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's very difficult (but not impossible) to channel the True Power without the Dark One's direct permission.

    This led to lots of discussion about the whole Semirhage death scene. Basically, she felt betrayed by the Dark One, and Brandon says she's a very astute person. Brandon also said that Moridin and the Dark One are on the same page with most things, and that Moridin is the most trustworthy Forsaken for the Dark One.


    My interpretation is that Rand channeled the True Power through the link with Moridin, but this was not discussed. Also it was strongly implied that the idea that the Dark One served Semirhage up on a platter for Rand to balefire is true.


    This question was explored further here and here.


  • 17

    Interview: Nov 15th, 2009


    Was the Compulsion which Elza told Semirhage about Verin's work from after Dumai's Wells, and was it Shaidar Haran who told her about it and to ask Semirhage to remove it?

    Brandon Sanderson



    How did Elza defeat the wards on Cadsuane's plain wooden box?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Elza had been given knowledge of several rarely known weaves, and in other ways made into a tool of Shaidar Haran. Not all of it was pleasant for her.


  • 18

    Interview: Nov 15th, 2009


    Did you enjoy Tam calling Cadsuane a bully?

    Brandon Sanderson

    (Broad smile) Immensely! She needed to hear it.


    Will there be reciprocity for Cadsuane's treatment of Semirhage?

    Brandon Sanderson

    If I have anything to say about it.


  • 19

    Interview: Dec, 2010


    As regards the True Power, how come Rand was able to use it, when earlier we are told only those the Dark One allows can use it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Semirhage believed that the Dark One had specifically granted Rand the ability. I won't say whether that's true or not. There are other theories out there that I don't want to squelch. But one possibility—and she certainly believed it—was that Dark One, in his desire to corrupt Rand, gave him that ability.


    Brandon said later that one typically has to go to Shayol Ghul to get permission to use the True Power, and many suspect that Rand's sensing of it is a product of the link between him and Moridin.


  • 20

    Interview: Jul 16th, 2011

    Brandon Sanderson

    He said that the scene with the Borderlander farmers in The Gathering Storm prologue and the one with the Borderlander Watch Tower in the Towers of Midnight prologue were written by RJ and that they were some of the last complete scenes RJ wrote (he mentioned this in earlier interviews).

    He refused to say who wrote "The Last That Could Be Done" from The Gathering Storm.

    He wrote the scenes of Egwene's dinners with Elaida in The Gathering Storm. RJ's notes suggested just one dinner scene but BS decided that it would work better if it was split in two.


    Brandon said at a signing that he did write "The Last that Could Be Done" (which is chapter 22 of The Gathering Storm). He might have started with something RJ wrote, but it's not likely, as he has indicated that most of what RJ did in this book was in the prologue and in the Egwene bits.


  • 21

    Interview: Aug 31st, 2011

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sanderson had to write a spanking scene in The Gathering Storm—the one where Cadsuane spanks Semirhage. RJ's instructions on this scene were specific.

    Linda Taglieri

    I think Brandon would have rather it were Semirhage punishing Cadsuane.


  • 22

    Interview: Aug 31st, 2011

    Reddit AMA 2011 (Verbatim)

    galenblade ()

    I know that Jordan left a lot of material behind, but have you ever run across something in that material that you've really wanted to change? Something you felt that thematically or otherwise didn't really fit?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Because of the nature of RJ's notes and writing process, there are a lot of things I can (and was told I should) change. Harriet didn't say specifically "Change this." She told me "Jim (RJ) would not have done it exactly like this. You do what you think is best for the story first—that is your primary charge. Don't feel completely beholden to his notes, but respect his story."

    That's kind of how I've done it. If the notes say something that I feel needs to change, I change it, but try to be respectful. An example is Egwene's dinner with Elaida. RJ had this planned as a single event. I split it into two chapters, separated by further discovery by Egwene and growth to earn the second half of the dinner.

    There are many things like that. Places where RJ said "I'm going to do this, or maybe I'll do this, or maybe neither." I choose what fits for the story. It's usually one of the two, sometimes neither one works. I can be more specific once the last book is out.

    That said, I wasn't particularly hip on writing Cadsuane spanking Semirhage. There was no good reason to change it, though. Jim had outlined the scene, and it was in line with the characters.


  • 23

    Interview: Nov 14th, 2009


    (something regarding the bruises remaining on Min's neck, and if this was a typo)

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, that is correct. Rand caused the bruises, so balefiring Semirhage would not make them go away. Balefire only removes paradoxes caused by the direct actions of the one who is balefired. And the bracelets remained after Rand balefired [Semirhage and Elza] because they weren't really part of Semirhage or Elza.


    (comment regarding the thread on Dragonmount where some are arguing that by balefiring Graendal's palace, the Compulsion disappeared since there'd never had been a palace in the first place, and others are arguing that it doesn't work that way, objects don't have threads).


    Everything has a thread, not just souls. Even a stone in a wall has a thread in the Pattern.


  • 24

    Interview: Nov 14th, 2009


    Do the Seanchan know how to make cuendillar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You're trying to figure out if the collar Semirhage put on Rand is cuendillar. (this was a long convo so I can't remember all of it... I THINK he said the original had been made of cuendillar, and that the Seanchan had copies of it, but would not answer whether those were made of cuendillar as well. He wouldn't say if Rand was wearing a copy or the original, he said it didn't matter. And that he knew of at least two ways to destroy cuendillar—The True Power and one other way. He looked thoughtful when Muirenn mentioned the theory that women make white cuendillar and men make black cuendillar, but wouldn't confirm or deny.)


  • 25

    Interview: Nov 14th, 2009

    Aubree Pham

    From dinner re: balefire philosophy:

    Talked to Brandon at the Stormleader dinner last night. He had a few things to say on this topic:

    Brandon Sanderson

    1. The bruises on Min's neck were not an error. After consulting with Team Jordan, it was determined that indirect effects remain. Rand was the one who strangled Min, not Semirhage directly, so the bruises stayed.

    2. Brandon knows of two ways to destroy cuendillar. But he would not confirm if the Domination Band that Rand was wearing was made from cuendillar. He said it was not relevant to what happened.

    3. The bracelets did not disappear when Semirhage and Elza were balefired because they were not considered to be intrinsic to their person. It would be the same if someone was holding a book and was balefired, the book would drop to the floor.


    Moghedien said the Domination Band was a form of cuendillar, and the assumption is that Rand was able to destroy it because he used the True Power.


  • 26

    Interview: Nov 14th, 2009

    Aubree Pham

    From dinner & signing both:

    There were some interesting answers at the Dallas signing and Stormleader dinner:


  • 27

    Interview: Nov 14th, 2009

    Brandon Sanderson

    The True Power is usually not able to be used without the Dark One's consent. Semirhage certainly thought that the Dark One intentionally betrayed her.


  • 28

    Interview: Nov 4th, 2009


    I asked Brandon about the balefire and Min's bruises tonight at the DC book signing.

    Brandon Sanderson

    He said that he, Harriet, and Maria discussed them and decided they should stay. Semirhage got balefired, not Rand, and Rand made the bruises therefore bruises stay. Thats according to the source. So even if you disagree with those rules that seems to be the way it will be interpreted for the last two books. Sanderson did admit that things with balefire were tricky.


  • 29

    Interview: Jan 10th, 2013


    The real standout question for me was someone who asked if there was anything that Brandon found difficult or uncomfortable to write.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Brandon talked about going into the outline, finding a couple things that made him go "Huh, that's interesting," (making specific mention of a certain conversation involving dresses and the color thereof), but the one that really stood out was "Oh, come on, you're going to make me write a spanking scene?"


  • 30

    Interview: Jan 10th, 2013


    Was there anything in the notes that surprised you?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, I got everything at once. There are two things that stand out that are moments when I was looking through the notes and I was like, "Oh!" And then there was one that I'm like, "Oh no." [laughter]

    The two that were "Oh!" were, in Gathering Storm where Egwene gets a special visitor, and colors of dresses are mentioned. [laughter] That one was kind of mind-boggling, and that's one of the things that Robert Jordan had complete. Not—I had to write into it and write out of it, but the important parts you're thinking about were done. The second scene was in another section that he had complete, and this is where, at the end of Towers of Midnight, someone you haven't seen for a long time and someone else have a romantic moment together, and that surprised me. I was not one that was expecting that—it's well-foreshadowed, but I just hadn't been expecting it. I actually went to Team Jordan, and I'm like, "This? I—What?" And they're like, "No, it's in there; here, look at this, look at this," and all the foreshadowing, and I had just completely missed it. And so, those two were the surprising moments for me.

    The kind of "Oh no" moment was when...he didn't actually write the scene, he just made a sentence that said—oh, someone's plugging their ears because they don't want spoilers; I'm trying to talk around the spoilers, so—in Gathering Storm, there is a scene where a certain member of the Forsaken gets spanked [laughter], and Robert Jordan wrote, "This happens, and she gets spanked." And I'm like, "I'm not going to write a spanking scene; I've never written a spanking scene before!" [laughter] And I was kinda like, "Come on, Jim, do you really have to do this?" But I was like, it was in the notes, and there was no good reason not to [?] that scene, so I went ahead and wrote that scene.
