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osing His Mind to LTT

by Arkane: 1999-03-28 | Not yet rated

Before Winter's Heart - Archive Only: Lews Therin Telamon: Sane or Insane or...?

I beleive that Rand is losing his mind, but not to the taint but to LTT. Put it this one of the other books (i cant remember which) Rand is thinking to himself that he would hate to be like LTT and stuck in the back of someone elses head what a terrible fate that would be. He wondered if that was the fate that awaited him. I beleive that RJ wouldnt write this for no reason at all!!!I think that it is some sort of premonition of things to come!!!

Also Rand has begun to have dizzy spells as though his body can't handle something whenever he seizes the source. Double vision also accompanies this dizzness. And double visions could be a sign of LTT taking over his mind. I mean LTT sees everything that Rand sees right?

Rand has also begun to get very arrogant and is beginning to beleive that he can match the Creator with Callandor or the male statue which is madness in itself. He must remember that LTT's downfall was his pride in thinking that he could match the Creator.

Arrogance is only one way that Rand seems to be matching LTT in. In PoD Rand begins whistling when he sees Min which is something that LTT used to do when he saw a pretty lady.

Deciding to put this theory up on this board was pretty spontaneous so please feel free to rip it to shreads if it is un-sound in any way shape or form.
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Tamyrlin: 1999-03-28

I guess this is a question that RJ will have to answer. I want to know the definition of reincarnation in RJ's world, that would solve alot of issues. I mention this because I don't believe that LTT is a different soul than Rand, they have to be one so I don't see how LTT could take would have to be a state of mind brought on by the taint that would make Rand believe that it was LTT. It is all in Rand's mind. MHO