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elieving a Lie

by Daghain: 1998-07-24 | Not yet rated

Before Winter's Heart - Archive Only: What is Verin's 70 Year Plan?

Whatever Verin might have said in the second book, it seems very unlikely that she was lying for the Dark One. Why? Because in Book 2, Jordan wasn't even sure that the Black Ajah *could* lie. Re-reading the passages with Liandrin brow beating Amalthera (I think...the Shienaran lady) and convincing Nynaeve and Egwene to leave the tower with her. Not once does she make a false statement. Outright lies would certainly have accomplished both jobs much more readily. And since she then proceeded to act in a most un-Aes Sedai-like way to all parties involved, I doubt that she told half-truths simply to protect herself from discovery.

Contrast this with Verin's casual and easily verifiable "false statements". I find it almost impossible to believe that either are intentionally lies. It isn't until a few books later that we are supposed to equate Lying Aes Sedai = Black Ajah. Verin mispeaks herself where the thirteen fleeing sisters would not, so I conclude that she believed that everything she said was true.
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Tamyrlin: 1998-07-24

It is more what Verin has done that makes her mysterious, but your reasoning for solving the lieing riddle makes a lot of sense.