Theoryland of the Wheel of Time


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Theoryland Chronicles

Members: Deornoth

Developed Theories


Personal Integration Theory


Taim is a Dreadlord


 Pet Theories

  • Mat is no longer tied to the Horn:
    It is my belief that Mat died in Rhuidean. There is not much to this theory. I have a few quotes that support it. It is all subject to interpretation, of course. Well, it's the only thing we have to go on, except my gut feeling that said from the first time I read TSR that Mat died and is no longer bound to the Horn. (hardcover):
    • 419-420. TGH: High Lord Turak: "Do you know that whoever blows the Horn of Valere is linked to it thereafter? That so long as he or she lives, it is no more than a horn to any other?"
    • 176-177. TSR: Aelfinn: "To die and live again, and live once more a part of what was!"
    • 113. LoC: Mat's POV: 'He had been dead for sure until Rand cut him down and revived him.'
    • 114. LoC: Mat's POV: 'He had died, swinging on that rope. If that was true, the rest had to be. No way out of that.'
  • Verin is NOT Black Ajah:
    This is a work in progress. I will have more for you when I have all my notes completed. For now, I will say that there is no proof that she is Black Ajah or a Darkfriend, even if she has ulterior motives, which, when compared to Aes Sedai in general is no big deal.
  • Perrin will become Gai'shain Aiel and Marry Berelain:
    Yes, she will end up with Perrin. Although this is not one of my strongest or most involved theories, I believe the following quotes are foreshadowing of events to take place, maybe after Tarmon Gaidon:
    • 171. Berelain: "I will take the blacksmith away from you and keep him as a pet for as long as he amuses me. Ogier's oath on it, farmgirl."
    • 172. Faile's POV: 'Something Berelain had said was tickling the back of her mind. Ogier's oath. That was it. An Ogier never broke an oath. To say "Ogier oathbreaker" was like saying "brave coward," or "wise fool."
  • The DotNM is a Seanchan who can channel
  • Olver is the famous Gaidal Cain
  • Graendal killed Asmodean
  • Thom, Mat, and Perrin will save Moiraine
  • The Prophet is Demandred's puppet
  • Sammael is ALIVE!
  • Cleansing the Taint Won't Heal Insanity

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