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Theoryland Chronicles

Members :Deornoth : Taim is a Dreadlord


Most of the information for this theory is from Lord of Chaos, chapter 6, "Threads Woven of Shadow". Information on Demandred is from The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time and from the Prologue of Lord of Chaos. The Taim quotes are from Lord of Chaos, chapter 2, "A New Arrival".

I have been sitting on the fence with this theory, and have come to my conclusion based on a number of things various Forsaken have said or thought. I felt that Taim being Demandred is something very likely and possible, but my opinion on it has since changed to it being too obvious, with too many hints. For instance, Bashere does not recognize him immediately in Caemlyn, and Lews Therin throws a tantrum in Taim's presence.


Except for one minor point, this is the strongest argument pro-Taimandred.

Demandred: Tall (not quite as tall as Lews Therin or Rand) and good-looking with a hawk nose. Sounds very Saldean, doesn't it? Well, Saldeans aren't really known for their height, but let's see.

Taim: a black-haired man of slightly above average height whose dark face and tilted eyes, hooked nose and high cheekbones, marked him another Saldean, though he was clean-shaven and garbed like a once prosperous Andoran merchant fallen on hard times lately. His dark blue coat had been of fine wool trimmed in darker velvet, but wear had made the cuffs ragged, his breeches bagged at the knee, and dust coated his cracked boots. Still, he walked proudly, no mean feat with four more of Bashere's men behind him…the heat hardly touched him.


Everything Demandred did in the AoL, Lews Therin did better. Hates Lews Therin more than anyone. Dour, serious, never smiles, hates surprises.

When Taim offered Rand a "partnership" deal at their first meeting, Rand shot him down. "No compact! No partners! I am the Dragon Reborn, Taim! Me! If you have knowledge I can make us of, I will, but you will go where I say, do as I say, when I say."

Taim's reaction? Without pause Taim slipped to one knee. "I submit to the Dragon Reborn. I will serve and obey." The corners of his mouth quivered again in that almost smile as he rose.

Sammael's thoughts and comments in LoC point to Taim not being Demandred:

Pg. 135, in chapter 6, he thinks 'Perhaps he could direct al'Thor's attention [at Demandred]; that would likely put an end to him.'

Then, on the same page, he says to Graendal,

"So long as they steer clear of me, [Demandred's] lackeys can carve out what he wants, but they will steer clear or he will answer for it."

If Taim were Demandred, his first comment doesn't make sense. Rand will not be "directed" at his own Black Tower. And as for his "lackeys", well, the Asha'man do not "carve out" anything. Their purpose is not to gain territory. The Dragonsworn in Ghealdan and Amadicia, however, fit the description. I'm not saying the Prophet is Demandred, but he could easily be his puppet:

Again, Sammael, pg. 135 of LoC: 'Events to the South had Demandred's mark all over them. Demandred had always liked using proxies.'


Demandred would submit to the Dragon Reborn if the Great Lord said to, no questions asked. But he sure as hell would not enjoy it! And the height? Rand says he is slightly taller than avg. The BWB says he was just shorter than LTT (who was of a height with Rand, per Lanfear). The discrepancy might be explained away with the Power disguising him. If that were the case, why doesn't Sammy do it, with his inferiority complex. Also, if someone who feels as though he had been slighted all his life by the Dragon, wouldn't he make himself taller, not shorter? Demandred has too much hatred and too much ego to be Taim, submitting to the Dragon Reborn.

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